ideaCity2010.7.26---Kristina Groves :夢+做=改變

ideaCity2010.7.26---Kristina Groves :夢+做=改變
About this talk:
Dreaming + Doing = Change. Olympian Kristina Groves gives us her simple formula for getting to where you want to be in life, and explains how uncertainty has a purpose and place in all of it. According to Groves, not knowing what the future holds is a surmountable worry -- as long as one can dream and feel inspired, the motivation required to act is effortless. Watch here to gain insight into Groves' humble theory behind her success.
About this speaker:
Kristina Groves represented Canada at the 2010 Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver, winning one silver and one bronze medal in long track speed skating. She has four Olympic medals to her name in total and is Canada's most decorated skater in the World Single Distances Championships, with 13 career medals in this event. Groves is ranked 4th on the women's Adelskalender, a ranking for long track speed skating.

夢+做=更改。奧海克里斯蒂娜格羅夫斯為我們提供了簡單的公式讓她到你要在生活中,並解釋如何不確定性的目的和它在所有的地方。據園,不知道自己的將來是一個克服的擔心 -只要一有夢想和感受啟發,需要採取行動的動機是不費吹灰之力。觀賞這裡來深入了解格羅夫斯'謙虛理論在她身後的成功。
克里斯蒂娜格羅夫斯代表加拿大參加2010年冬季奧運會在溫哥華,贏得一銀一銅牌長道速度滑冰。她有四枚奧運金牌總數和她的名字是加拿大最華麗選手在世界錦標賽單路程,13枚獎牌的職業生涯在此事件。格羅夫斯是排名第四的婦女 Adelskalender,一個排名長期短道速滑。

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