ideaCity2010.7.21---Sally Armstrong's :女童和婦女的人權

ideaCity2010.7.21---Sally Armstrong's :女童和婦女的人權
About this talk:
Sally Armstrong's interest lies in stories of women and girls in zones of conflict -- Bosnia, Somalia, Rwanda, Afghanistan, Congo, and more. She goes to these places to not only report on these stories, but also to help. "I love stories that involve me emotionally, but also move you to act," she says. Armstrong discusses the direct link between the economy and the status of women, rape as a strategy of war, and the difference between misogyny and culture. Watch her compelling talk here.
About this speaker:
Human rights activist, documentary filmmaker and award-winning author Sally Armstrong was editor-in-chief of Homemaker's magazine from 1988 to 1999. She is presently the editor-at-large of Chatelaine magazine and a contributing editor at Maclean's magazine. Armstrong has covered stories in zones of conflict all over the world; her work focuses on the treatment, rights, and stories of girls and women.

莎莉阿姆斯特朗的興趣在於故事的婦女和女童在衝突地區- 波斯尼亞,索馬里,盧旺達,阿富汗,剛果等。她去到這些地方不僅報告對這些故事,而且還幫助。 “我愛我的情感故事,涉及,但也打動你採取行動,“她說。阿姆斯特朗討論了直接的經濟之間的聯繫和地位的婦女,強姦作為一項戰略的戰爭,厭女症的區別和文化。觀看她的吸引力在這裡說。

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