ideaCity2010.8.13---Ashleigh McIvor :建立意向,追逐夢想

ideaCity2010.8.13---Ashleigh McIvor :建立意向,追逐夢想
About this talk:
Establish intentions, chase your dreams, and follow your heart. Ashleigh McIvor borrows some ideas from fellow ideaCity speakers to emphasize what's integral to her, as she discusses her athletic experiences and how they led up to her gold medal win at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver. Unguarded and down-to-earth, McIvor advises focusing not on the end result, but the journey it took to get there.
About this speaker:
Ashleigh McIvor grew up on the slopes competing in alpine ski racing and first tried Ski Cross in January 2003. She immediately found success, qualifying for the X Games and World Cup circuit in 2004 as the youngest competitor in the event. McIvor became the first Gold Medal winner of Woman's Ski Cross at the 2010 Winter Olympics.


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