ideaCity2010.8.13---Nonie Darwish :改變中東局勢

ideaCity2010.8.13---Nonie Darwish :改變中東局勢
About this talk:
"Arab kids don't need Jihad, they need jobs; they don't need hate, they need hope. We need a new paradigm for viewing Israel." Nonie Darwish speaks passionately about the need for reformation of Arab culture, how it's making victims of children and innocent people, and how she believes the Arab-Israeli conflict can end. Here, Darwish advocates criticizing Islamic Law and her goal to change the situation in the Middle East.
About this speaker:
Nonie Darwish was born and raised as a Muslim in Cairo, Egypt and Gaza. Her father led Egyptian military intelligence in Gaza in the 50s and headed the "Fedayeen" operations against Israel under President Nasser of Egypt. As an author and activist, Darwish is a strong supporter of Israel, and has founded the group "Arabs for Israel," composed of ethnic Arabs and Muslims who respect and support the State of Israel, welcome a peaceful and diverse Middle East, reject suicide terrorism as a form of Jihad, and promote constructive self-criticism and reform in the Arab/Muslim world.


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