ideaCity2010.8.19---Faith Popcorn :探討未來

ideaCity2010.8.19---Faith Popcorn :探討未來
About this talk:
Faith Popcorn is here to talk about what's next, and to make sure we know that the future starts right now. The "world's most famous trend-spotter" also discusses consumer behaviour, the importance of intuition, branding, culture, and the mission behind her BrainReserve Trend Bank. Here, she thoroughly examines the trends that define our culture and investigates how to work towards your best future.
About this speaker:
Faith Popcorn is a futurist, bestselling author of The Popcorn Report, and chairman of BrainReserve, Inc., the New York-based marketing consulting firm she founded in 1974. She is recognized as America's foremost trend expert. Popcorn is a graduate of New York University and New York's High School for the Performing Arts.

信仰爆米花在這裡談談下一步,並確保我們知道,未來始於現在。 “世界上最有名的趨勢去污劑“還討論了消費者行為,直覺的重要性,品牌,文化以及她身後 BrainReserve趨勢使命銀行。在這裡,她徹底審查的趨勢,確定我們的文化,探討如何對你的工作最好的未來。
爆米花是一種未來主義的信仰,暢銷書作家的爆米花報告和主席BrainReserve公司,在紐約,她的營銷諮詢公司成立於 1974年。她被認為是美國最重要的趨勢專家。爆米花是畢業於紐約大學和紐約的高級學校表演藝術。

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