TEDxDuke2011.4.19---Bill Brown :有效创新

TEDxDuke2011.4.19---Bill Brown :有效创新
TEDxDuke: Bill Brown on Effective Innovation
Bill Brown is cofounder of Palmer Labs, LLC, and 8 Rivers Capital, LLC, companies that focus on financing and commercializing technologies related to energy, internet, biomedical devices, and the telecom and automotive industries. 8 Rivers has recently been involved in advancing NET Power, a company that has developed cheaper and no emission power plants. A distinguished lawyer with an extensive career in financial services, Brown has held leadership positions at Goldman Sachs & Co., AIG International, and Morgan Stanley. At Duke Law, his teaching focuses on entrepreneurship, business law, business planning, capital markets and corporate finance. He was instrumental in helping put together Duke's LLM program in Entrepreneurship and the Law.
About TEDx
TEDx was created in the spirit of TED's mission, "ideas worth spreading." The program is designed to give communities, organizations and individuals the opportunity to stimulate dialogue through TED-like experiences at the local level.
At TEDx events, a screening of TEDTalks videos -- or a combination of live presenters and TEDTalks videos -- sparks deep conversation and connections. TEDx events are fully planned and coordinated independently, on a community-by-community basis.

比尔布朗是帕尔默实验室有限责任公司,8河流资本,有限责任公司,公司的创始人之一,关于融资和商业化有关能源,互联网,生物医学设备和技术,电信和汽车行业的焦点。 8里弗斯最近参与了推进净功率,一个已经开发廉价,零排放发电厂的公司。一个拥有广泛的金融服务杰出的律师生涯,布朗曾在高盛公司,AIG国际和摩根士丹利担任领导职务。在杜克大学法律,他的教学侧重于创业,依法经营,企业策划,资本市场及企业融资。他在帮助放在一起创业和法律杜克大学的法学硕士课程的工具。
在TEDx活动,放映影片的TEDTalks- 或现场主持人和TEDTalks视频组合-火花深入的谈话和连接。 TEDx活动是完全独立地规划和协调的一个社区,由社区的基础。

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