TEDxDuke2011.4.19---Christine Erlien :谷歌地球的影响

TEDxDuke2011.4.19---Christine Erlien :谷歌地球的影响
TEDxDuke - Christine Erlien on Google Earth's Impact
Christine Erlien has been a Lecturing Fellow in the Thompson Writing Program at Duke University since 2007. She holds a Ph.D. in Geography from University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill. Her dissertation work focused on the use of geospatial technologies (geographic information systems (GIS), global positioning system (GPS), remote sensing) for examining land use and land cover change, specifically deforestation in the northern Ecuadorian Amazon since the discovery of oil. Dr. Erlien has used her background to develop writing courses that examine the how maps speak to us, the privacy and/or ethical issues associated with geospatial data (e.g., the data collected through use of customer loyalty cards, as well as GPS tracking of criminals, sex offenders, employees, and children), and the ways in which these technologies are being employed by a range of users (i.e., military, local government, business, academic disciplines). Most recently, she has turned her focus to the impacts of Google Earth. Students in her recent writing courses have developed a website entitled Teaching (and Learning) with Google Earth, available at http://sites.duke.edu/tlge
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恭Erlien一直在杜克大学自2007年以来,在汤普森写作计划授课研究员。她拥有博士学位从北卡罗莱纳大学地理 -教堂山。她的博士论文工作的重点是研究地球空间技术用于土地利用和土地覆盖变化,特别是在厄瓜多尔北部的亚马逊森林砍伐,因为发现石油(地理信息系统(GIS),全球定位系统(GPS),遥感)。博士Erlien已经用她的背景,发展写作课程,研究如何映射和我们说话,隐私和/或地理空间数据(例如,通过对客户忠诚卡使用收集的数据,以及跟踪的GPS相关的伦理问题罪犯,性罪犯,员工和儿童),并在这些技术正在由用户范围就业方式(即,军队,地方政府,企业,学术学科)。最近,她已经把她的重点,谷歌地球的影响。在她最近的写作课教学的学生有资格开发与谷歌地球(与学习)网站,可在http://sites.duke.edu/tlge
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