TEDxUF2011.4.22---Eva Vertes :有效癌症治療方法

TEDxUF2011.4.22---Eva Vertes :有效癌症治療方法
TEDxUF - Eva Vertes - A New Approach to Cancer
EVA VERTES was first recognized for her research during high school, when she conducted Alzheimer's research for which she received the top award in medicine at the 2002 Intel International Science Fair. She has since focused on cancer, trying to understand the built-in mechanisms the body uses to prevent against cancer and how we might be able to use these principles to guide the development of novel, effective cancer treatments -- maybe even a cure. She received a degree in molecular biology from Princeton University in 2007, then spent 2 years working full-time in a cancer research lab at Weill Cornell Medical College, and is currently pursuing her MD at the University of Florida. Eva Vertes is perhaps best known for presenting at the 2005 TED conference when she was only 19 years old
TEDxUF- 長榮 Vertes- 一種新的癌症
長榮 VERTES首次承認她的研究在高中時,她進行了老年癡呆症的研究,她獲得了最高獎在2002年中醫藥英特爾國際科學博覽會。她已經集中在癌症,試圖了解內在機制的身體利用,防止對癌症和我們如何能夠利用這些原則來指導新的發展,有效的癌症治療方法- 甚至治愈。她獲得了學位,從普林斯頓大學分子生物學2007年,然後花了2年全職工作在癌症研究實驗室威爾康乃爾醫學院,目前正在攻讀醫學博士在佛羅里達大學。伊娃Vertes也許是最出名的提出在2005年TED會議當時她只有19歲

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