TEDxUF2011.4.22--Vikram Rangala :-一種新的資本主義

TEDxUF2011.4.22--Vikram Rangala :-一種新的資本主義
TEDxUF - Vikram Rangala - A New Capitalism
VIKRAM RANGALA taught writing and communication at the University of Florida for 15 years. He has traded futures and options for 12 years. During a painful time of professional transition and personal transformation, he worked to channel his passions, skills, and challenges into something positive. After tasting humiliation and hardship, he studied the greater suffering of others and the economic and societal cost of oppressing and undervaluing billions of people, especially girls, rather than investing in them. Recently, he started The Girl Fund Project, the world's first nonprofit hedge fund, which will change the profit motive and give 100% of profits to help girls living in extreme poverty and violence. He will speak about the personal process of starting his experiment in a new capitalism: honest, compassionate, and worthy of our dignity.

TEDxUF-維克拉姆 Rangala- 一種新的資本主義
維克拉姆 RANGALA教寫作與溝通在佛羅里達大學15年。他有交易的期貨和期權等12年。在一個痛苦的過渡時間,專業和個人的轉變,他曾頻道他的激情,技巧和挑戰為積極。在品嚐過的屈辱和苦難,他研究了更大的痛苦和對他人的經濟和社會成本低估的壓迫和以十億計的人,尤其是女孩,而不是投資於他們。最近,他開始了女孩基金項目,世界上第一個非營利性的對沖基金,這將改變利潤動機和付出100%的利潤來幫助女孩生活在極端貧困和暴力。他將談論個人開始他的實驗過程,在一個新的資本主義:誠實,富有同情心,並且值得我們的尊嚴。

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