TEDxUWO2011.4.21---Ray Zahab :冒險與教育

TEDxUWO2011.4.21---Ray Zahab :冒險與教育
TEDxUWO - Ray Zahab - Impossible2Possible: Adventures and Education
Ray Zahab shares intimate details of his 111-day quest that took him through 6 countries (Senegal, Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Libya, and Egypt) and over 4,300 miles, as Ray and his two friends run across the Sahara Dessert. Ray uses the story of this incredible journey to motivate youth to achieve feats greater than anything they could have ever imagined. Founder of www.impossible2possible.com, Ray teaches us how the power within every individual is not only contagious, but able to make the impossible possible.

雷Zahab股份的細枝末節,他111天的探索,他通過了6個國家(塞內加爾,毛里塔尼亞,馬里,尼日爾,利比亞和埃及)和超過 4,300英里,是雷和他的兩個朋友跑過撒哈拉甜品。光用這個故事的這個令人難以置信的旅程,以鼓勵青年實現功勳大於任何他們可以想像。方正www.impossible2possible.com,雷教我們如何在每個人的力量,不僅具有傳染性,但能夠使不可能變為可能。

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