TEDTalks2011.5.3---Carlo Ratti:建築可以感知響應的互動環境

TEDTalks2011.5.3---Carlo Ratti:建築可以感知響應的互動環境
Carlo Ratti: Architecture that senses and responds
With his team at SENSEable City Lab, MIT's Carlo Ratti makes cool things by sensing the data we create. He pulls from passive data sets -- like the calls we make, the garbage we throw away -- to create surprising visualizations of city life. And he and his team create dazzling interactive environments from moving water and flying light, powered by simple gestures caught through sensors.
About Carlo Ratti
Carlo Ratti directs the MIT SENSEable City Lab, which explores the "real-time city" by studying the way sensors and electronics relate to the built environment. He's opening a research center in
卡羅 Ratti公司:建築可以感知並響應
與他的團隊在SENSEable城實驗室,麻省理工學院的很酷的事情,使卡羅 Ratti公司通過檢測數據,我們創造。他就會從被動的數據集-就像我們做的呼籲,我們扔掉的垃圾- 要創造出驚人的可視化的城市生活。他和他的團隊創造耀眼的互動環境,從流動的水,飛光,通過簡單的手勢動力通過傳感器捕捉。
關於卡羅 Ratti公司
卡羅 Ratti公司指示麻省理工學院 SENSEable城實驗室,其中探討了“實時城“通過學習方式的傳感器和電子產品涉及到建築環境。他的一個研究中心開幕


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