Newsy2011.5.3---Julian Assange:Facebook間諜機


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Newsy2011.5.3---Julian Assange:Facebook是政府間諜
Julian Assange: Facebook Is a Government Spy
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WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange says Facebook is in cahoots with the US government, working as a spy. Is the pot calling the kettle black?
“Facebook in particular is the most appalling spying machine that has ever been invented ... Everyone should understand that when they add their friends to Facebook, they are doing free work for United States intelligence agencies in building this database for them.” (RT)
The Onion News Network satirically reported the same thing a month ago -- Mark Zuckerberg is secretly -- or not so secretly -- working for the government.
“According to Department of Homeland Security reports Facebook has replaced almost every other CIA information gathering program since it was launched in 2004.”
All jokes aside, a writer for ZDNet says even though Assange might not have cables or documents to back up his story, the guy might be on to something.
“We already know that the USA PATRIOT Act can be used, without necessarily the need of a court order or search warrant, to access the data held by a U.S. company... However, this can also apply to non-US datacenters and offices which are wholly owned and operated by U.S. organisations … though I don’t necessarily agree nor can confirm all of his suspicions, there is sufficient evidence to at least support many of his claims.”
In his RT interview, Assange also said Facebook succumbs to government pressure too easily when the government wants information. But a spokesperson for Facebook tells Forbes, that ain’t so.
“‘We don’t respond to pressure, we respond to compulsory legal process … we fight every time we believe the legal process is insufficient. The legal standards for compelling a company to turn over data are determined by the laws of the country, and we respect that standard.'”
And a Daily Tech writer doesn’t buy Assange’s story. He says Assange is just vying for even more spotlight.
“...he's relishing the attention and opportunity to air his thoughts on technology and what he perceives as a vast international conspiracy, headed by the United States … He doesn't waste much time making his thoughts known on the world's largest social network and most used website…”
Assange has not revealed any evidence to support his Facebook-US intelligence theory.
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維基解密創始人朱利安阿桑格說 Facebook是在與美國政府同流合污,工作作為間諜。是鍋調用水壺黑?
“臉譜,尤其是最令人震驚的間諜機,歷來被發明 ...每個人都應該明白,當他們自己的朋友加入到Facebook,他們在做免費的工作,美國情報機構在建立這一數據庫的。“(RT)的
諷刺的洋蔥新聞網報導,一個月前同樣的事情 - 馬克扎克伯格正在秘密 - 或不那麼秘密 - 為政府工作。
所有的笑話之外,一個作家對 ZDNet的說,雖然可能沒有阿桑格電纜或文件,以支持他的故事,這個傢伙可能是將要發生什麼。
“我們已經知道,美國愛國者法案都可以使用,但不一定需要法院命令或搜查令,要訪問的數據由一家美國公司舉行 ...不過,這也適用於非美數據中心和辦事處,是全資擁有和經營的美國機構 ...雖然我並不一定同意也不可以證實他的懷疑一切,有足夠的證據支持,至少他的許多主張“。
在他的逆轉錄採訪時也表示,Facebook阿桑格屈從於政府的壓力,很容易當政府想要的信息。但一位發言人對註冊 Facebook!告訴福布斯,事實並非如此。
“'我們不應對壓力,我們應對強制法律的過程 ...我們爭取每一次我們相信司法程序是不夠的。引人注目的法律標準的公司交出的數據是由該國的法律,我們尊重這個標準。“
“...他的品味的關注和思考的機會,允許他和他的技術看來具有廣闊的國際陰謀,以美國為首的...他不會浪費太多的時間做他的思想對世界已知的最大的社會網絡,最常用的網站 ...“
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