The Ideas Economy2012.4.16---Martha Denton :創新

The Ideas Economy2012.4.16---Martha Denton :創新 The innovator's antenna A rapid-fire, Pecha Kucha-style series of visual presentation that highlight the six senses that every innovator needs, including Andras Forgacs, of Organovo, Andie Grace, of Burning Man, Colleen McCreary, of Zynga, Kalimah Priforce, of Qeyno Labs, Jason Silva, of Current TV, and James Syhabout, of Commis. The session was curated by Martha Denton, of The Presentation School, at The Economist's Ideas Economy: Innovation event in Berkeley, California. 創新的天線 一個速射,Pecha Kucha之風格的視覺呈現一系列突出的六根,每一個創新的需求,包括安德拉什Forgacs,燃燒的人,科琳麥克里,Zynga的Kalimah Priforce Qeyno實驗室,Organovo,安迪·格雷斯,賈森·席爾瓦,當前的電視,和詹姆斯Syhabout的佣金。策劃的會議是由瑪莎·丹頓,演示文稿的學校,在經濟學家的思想經濟:美國加州大學伯克利分校,在創新活動。

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