The Ideas Economy2012,4,16---看透消費者

The Ideas Economy2012,4,16---看透消費者 The see-through consumer A.K. Pradeep, of NeuroFocus, discusses the ways in which neuroscience, technology, and big data have enabled companies to know more about their customers than ever before. The session was moderated by Vijay V. Vaitheeswaran, China business and finance editor for The Economist, at The Economist's Ideas Economy: Innovation 2012 event in Berkeley, California. 消費者看透 A.K.普拉迪普NeuroFocus,討論在神經科學,技術和大數據,使企業知道他們的客戶比以往任何時候都更的方式。維杰五Vaitheeswaran,中國企業和金融編輯的“經濟學家”,在“經濟學家”的思想經濟:創新在2012年,加利福尼亞大學伯克利分校的事件主持了會議。

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