GoogleTechTalks 2012.4.16---Carsten Sørensen:移動電話的革​​命

GoogleTechTalks 2012.4.16---Carsten Sørensen:移動電話的革​​命 The Mobile Revolution: Cultivating Boundaries of the Unbounded Google Tech Talk March 2, 2012 Presented by Professor Carsten Sørensen. ABSTRACT There are over 5 billion mobile phone connections globally and a growing number of other mobile information technologies permeate all aspects of life. The more than 1 billion mobile phones in developing countries is rapidly coming close to matching the global total of 2 billion fixed Internet connections in 2008. It is estimated that 6 billion mobile phone connections will be reached by 2013. The mobile phone offers both a highly visible new technology that has found its way into everyday life and a domain for ferocious business development. The mobile phone has rapidly placed itself intimately close to a large proportion of the global population alongside keys and money. It is a technology that matters to people, and the combination of increasingly intelligent handsets, faster wireless bandwidth, and more complex server-side infrastructures (such as cloud computing), makes up for a potent globally distributed infrastructure. My talk will report on research conducted within the mobility@lse research unit at the London School of Economics since 2000. It will present some of the main findings regarding the social and business impact of the mobile revolution, for example, the re-negotiation and daily endeavour to manage a boundary-less world by cultivating boundaries. The mobile revolution has significantly contributed to the erosion of long-established boundaries for inter-personal interaction, and as a result individuals will through their everyday life with the technology seek to resolve the resulting paradoxes. The technology that sets them free and allows for "anytime-anywhere" communication also enslaves them as they are always available. There is everywhere to go and nowhere to hide. We are still at the very early stages of this cultivation of boundaries but it will undoubtedly form a stable future aspect of everyday life at home and at work. Furthermore, the fundamental understanding of the socio-technical impacts of the mobile revolution will also be a commercial prerogative for attempts to produce successful mobile services. The mobile revolution has also broken down and redrawn commercial boundaries. Photo and film cameras are no longer purchased in camera shops but in mobile phone stores. Mobile services are no longer only produced by phone manufacturers and telecoms operators, but equally often by individual bedroom programmers, for then to be published on one of the mobile smartphone platforms. Here, boundaries were broken down and re-established under the control of different industry players. Interestingly, the distance between development and use has been greatly reduced and both the innovation system producing hundreds and thousands of mobile smartphone apps and the millions of users downloading and using them are engaged in a new order of continuously managing new boundaries and inventing new social practices. Dr Carsten Sørensen ( is a leading authority on mobile information technology innovation and has the past decade studied; enterprise mobility, mobile platforms, organisational information services, and digital infrastructure innovation. Carsten lectures Information Systems and Innovation in Department of Management at The London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom. He holds a BSc. in mathematics, an MSc in computer science and a Ph.D. in information systems from Aalborg University, Denmark. 移動電話的革​​命:培養邊界無界 谷歌技術講座 2012年3月2日, 教授卡斯滕·索倫森。 摘要 全球有超過5億美元的移動電話連接,越來越多的其他移動信息技術滲透到生活的各個方面。在發展中國家超過10億的手機正在迅速接近匹配在2008年全球共有2億美元的固定互聯網連接。據估計,將於2013年達到6億美元的移動電話連接。手機提供了一個非常明顯的新技術,已經發現它的方式融入日常生活和兇猛的業務發展領域。手機迅速放置本身密切接近的鑰匙和錢一起全球人口的很大比例。這是一個重要的人的技術,並結合手機越來越智能,更快的無線帶寬,更複雜的服務器端的基礎設施(例如雲計算),為分佈在全球各地的強有力的基礎設施。 我的演講將內的流動性@ LSE科研單位,自2000年在倫敦經濟學院進行的研究報告。例如,它會提出一些關於移動革命的社會和商業影響的主要結果,重新談判和日常努力培養邊界管理邊界的世界。移動革命已經顯著貢獻的個人間的互動歷史悠久的邊界的侵蝕,因此個人將通過他們的日常生活與技術,尋求解決由此產生的矛盾。設置他們自由,並允許“隨時隨地”溝通的技術,還奴役他們,因為他們總是可用。有到處去,無處藏身。我們仍然在這個界限的培養非常早期階段,但無疑會形成一個穩定的未來日常生活方面,在家裡和在工作中。此外,該技術的移動革命的社會經濟影響的基本了解,也將是一個嘗試成功的移動服務的商業特權。移動電話的革​​命也打破和重新劃定商業界限。照片和膠片相機不再購買相機的商店,但在手機賣場。移動服務不再只生產手機廠商和電信運營商,但同樣經常由個人臥室程序員,然後在移動智能手機平台之一出版。在這裡,界限被打破,重新建立不同行業玩家的控制下。有趣的是,開發和利用之間的距離已大大降低,創新體系生產數百成千上萬的移動智能手機應用程序下載和使用它們的用戶數以百萬計的新秩序的不斷新的邊界管理和創造新的社會實踐中從事。 卡斯滕索倫森(的博士是對移動信息技術創新的領導權威,有過去十年的研究,企業移動,移動平台,組織信息服務,數字化基礎設施創新。卡斯滕講座,管理部在經濟和政治學,英國倫敦經濟學院的信息系統和創新。他擁有學士學位。在數學,計算機科學碩士和博士學位從丹麥奧爾堡大學的信息系統。

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