TEDxYALE2012.4.9---Dr. Sarah Parcak:我是如何成為空間考古學家

TEDxYALE2012.4.9---Dr. Sarah Parcak:我是如何成為空間考古學家 TEDxYALE - Dr. Sarah Parcak - My Own Twist of Fate: How I Became a Space Archaeologist Dr. Sarah Parcak describes her own twist of fate and how she became a Space Archaeologist. Dr. Sarah Parcak is an Archaeologist and founding Director of the Laboratory for Global Observation at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Dr. Parcak is a recognized expert in the use of remote sensing via satellite imagery analysis to detect archaeological sites, many of which were previously unknown. She is a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, and 2012 TEDxYALE - 的薩拉Parcak博士 - 我自己命運的轉折:我是如何成為考古學家空間 博士的薩拉Parcak介紹她自己命運的轉折和她是如何成為考古學家空間。博士的薩拉Parcak是考古學家在位於伯明翰的阿拉巴馬大學全球觀測實驗室創始主任。博士Parcak是在公認的專家通過遙感衛星圖像分析發現考古遺址,其中許多以前未知的。她是一個的古物社會的研究員,2012年

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