TEDxUtrechtUniversity2012.5.15---Thembi Tobie :Thembi Wines

TEDxUtrechtUniversity2012.5.15---Thembi Tobie :Thembi Wines

TEDxUtrechtUniversity - Thembi Tobie - Thembi Wines
Thembi Tobie joined the wine industry in 2005. In 2009 she launched Thembi (a 100% black owned and fairtrade company) in the Netherlands in 350 stores. Her wine is doing very well in Holland (in particular Thembi Chenin Blanc) which increased by 200% after it got rated three stars by the Wijnalmanak, the most widely read guide for wine.

Thembi's name means hope, faith and belief - hope for a better life, belief that nothing is impossible. ´I believe that charity begins at home, but should not end there. We should be the change that we want to see - we live in a global village, hundreds of tourists in Cape Town every month.´ Her vision stretches further than merely promoting a brand. She sees herself in the role of educator and wine ambassador for communities with no wine culture. There are an increasing number of women with disposable income and a hunger to try new things. As an entrepreneur she would like to inspire and empower other young 'up and coming' black woman not to give up on their dreams, not to be intimidated by the fact that the wine industry is white and male dominated, but to be able to identify opportunities and strive on challenges - a trailblazer
TEDxUtrechtUniversity - Thembi托比 - Thembi葡萄酒

thembi的名字的意思是希望,信仰和信念 - 更好的生活,相信沒有什麼是不可能的希望。 “我相信,慈善始於家庭,但不應該就此結束。我們應該是我們希望看到的變化 - 我們生活在一個地球村,綿延數百名遊客在開普敦每個月她的視力進一步不僅僅是促進品牌。她認為自己在教育家和酒沒有葡萄酒文化社區大使的角色。有越來越多的婦女與人均可支配收入和飢餓,嘗試新事物的數量。作為一個企業家,她想激勵和授權其他年輕的和未來的“黑人婦女不要放棄自己的夢想,不要被嚇倒,葡萄酒行業是白色的,男性主導的事實,但能夠識別機遇和挑戰的努力 - 一個開拓者

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