ARIRANG NEWS2015.10.6---TPP達成協議

ARIRANG NEWS2015.10.6---TPP達成協議
Trade negotiators have reached a historic deal... on what has become the world′s largest free trade pact,...
accounting for 40 percent of the global economy.
Once ratified,... it will remove trade barriers for twelve countries,... including the U.S., Canada and Japan. So... how big a deal is the TPP?
Kim Min-ji reports.
They′re calling it a historic agreement.
After five years of talks, trade negotiators from 12 countries have struck a deal that will reduce tariffs on almost 18-thousand categories, ranging from automobiles to food,... and set standards for labor and the environment in the trade bloc.
″We have come to an agreement that will support jobs, drive sustainable growth, foster inclusive development, and promote innovation across the Asia-Pacific region.″
The trade pact, called the Trans-Pacific Partnership, or
,... involves the US, Japan, Malaysia, Vietnam and eight other Pacific Rim countries,... which together account for about 40 percent of the global economy. It is the largest trade pact ever,... making up for more than a quarter of the world′s trade volume,... and covers a combined population of almost 800 million.
Supporters of the deal say the agreement will facilitate higher paying jobs,... as well as boost productivity and competitiveness and raise living standards in member countries.
Some also see it as a way to counter a rising China,... which is not a member of the agreement,... and paves the way to open new markets for American companies.
However, critics have not been happy about negotiations they say have been overly secretive in nature,... and argue that the trade deal will benefit large corporations and shift more jobs overseas. Although the deal has been concluded, this is just the first step in what is likely to be a long road ahead as the participating countries take the deal back to their governments for approval.
Kim Min-ji, Arirang News.
贸易谈判已经达成了历史性的协议......是什么已经成为世界上最大的自由贸易协定,......占40%的全球经济。 一旦批准,......它将消除贸易壁垒的十二个国家,......包括美国,加拿大和日本。
金敏姬报告。 他们称这是一个历史性的协议。
该贸易协定,称为跨太平洋伙伴关系,或者TPP,......涉及美国,日本,马来西亚,越南和其他八个环太平洋国家,...共占全球经济的40%左右。 它是中国最大的贸易协定不断,...弥补了超过四分之一的世界贸易量的,...占地近800亿总人口。
然而,批评者还没有高兴,他们说已经在本质上过于诡秘,谈判...并认为,贸易协议将有利于大型企业和海外转移更多的就业机会。 尽管这笔交易已经结束,这是什么可能是很长的路要走作为参与国采取交易回他们的政府审批只是第一步。

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