ARIRANG NEWS2015.10.7---美国智库 :北韩可能有22枚核弹头

ARIRANG NEWS2015.10.7---美国智库 :北韩可能有22枚核弹头
發佈日期:2015年10月7日 North Korea is believed to
be in possession of up to 22 nuclear weapons as of the end of last year.
This, according to the Washington-based Institute for Science and International Security which said in its revised report on North Korea′s nuclear stockpile that Pyongyang is presumed to have enough uranium and plutonium to build between 15 and 22 nuclear bombs.
The institution said given that Pyongyang used plutonium during its most recent nuclear test in 2013, some 30 to 34 kilograms of separated plutonium would be left over.
In terms of uranium, it estimated North Korea has around 240 kilograms of enriched uranium presuming the country is operating two centrifugal separator facilities, and around 100 kilograms if it is operating one facility.

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