Investors Trading Academy---Return On Investment投资回报率

Investors Trading Academy---Return On Investment投资回报率
Welcome to the Investors Trading Academy talking glossary of financial terms and events.
Our word of the day is “Return On Investment”
Return on investment is known as ROI. This term means different things to different people often depending on perspective and what is actually being judged so it's important to clarify understanding if interpretation has serious implications.
Many business managers and owners use the term in a general sense as a means of assessing the merit of an investment or business decision. 'Return' generally means profit before tax, but clarify this with the person using the term - profit depends on various circumstances, not least the accounting conventions used in the business. In this sense most CEO's and business owners regard ROI as the ultimate measure of any business or any business proposition, after all it's what most business is aimed at producing - maximum return on investment, otherwise you might as well put your money in a bank savings account.
In simple terms this is the profit made from an investment. The 'investment' could be the value of a whole business in which case the value is generally regarded as the company's total assets minus intangible assets, such as debt. or the investment could relate to a part of a business, a new product, a new factory, a new piece of plant, or any activity or asset with a cost attached to it. The main point is that the term seeks to define the profit made from a business investment or business decision. Bear in mind that costs and profits can be ongoing and accumulating for several years, which needs to be taken into account when arriving at the correct figures.
By Barry Norman, Investors Trading Academy
很多企业管理者和所有者使用这个词在一般意义上作为评估投资或经营决策的优点的一种手段。 “返回”一般是指除税前溢利,但随着使用期限的人澄清这一点 - 利润取决于各种情况,尤其是在商业中使用的会计惯例。在这个意义上大多数CEO和企业主认为ROI任何企业的最终措施或任何商业命题,毕竟这是大多数企业的目的是生产 - 最大的投资回报,否则你还不如把钱存在银行储蓄帐户。
简单来说,这是从投资获得的利润。在“投资”可能是一个整体的企业在这种情况下,该值通常被视为该公司的总资产减去无形资产,如债务的价值。或投资可能涉及到一个业务,新产品,新的工厂,一块新的植物,或任何活动或资产与连接到它的成本的一部分。 主要的一点是,该术语旨在定义从一个企业投资或经营决策作出的利润。请记住,成本和利润可以持续的,并积累了好几年,它需要到达正确的数字时,必须考虑到。

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