ARIRANG NEWS2015.11.9---2016年地球变暖标记跨越1°C

ARIRANG NEWS2015.11.9---2016年地球变暖标记跨越1°C
Britain′s weather agency says the world has warmed one degree Celsius since pre-industrial times.
And scientists say that means average global temperatures are just one degree away from a threshold where the impacts of climate change get a whole lot worse.
The figures come as world leaders prepare for a major UN summit on climate change in Paris. Sohn Jung-in has more.
The world′s climate is about to enter ′uncharted territory.′
According to Britain′s Met Office, this year is poised to be the first time global average temperatures will surpass the milestone of one degree Celsius above pre-industrial levels.
It said global temperatures in the January to September period were already one-point-zero-two degrees Celsius above the average temperatures between 1850 and 1900, or prior to industrialization when humans started burning fossil fuels on a large scale.
The one degree rise is psychologically important as it puts the earth half way towards the two degree Celsius limit that scientists set to avoid the worst effects of global warming such as floods, droughts and rising sea levels. Topping off the grim news, the World Meteorological Organization said that 2016 would be the first year in which the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is over 400 parts per million on average.
The World Bank warned that without the right policies to combat the impacts of climate change, an additional 100 million people will be driven into extreme poverty by 2030, disrupting agriculture and fueling the spread of malaria and other diseases.
The findings were released ahead of a major UN summit on climate change that starts in under three weeks in Paris. World leaders will meet in the hope of reaching a new deal on slashing greenhouse gas emissions to combat global warming. Sohn Jung-in, Arirang News.
这些数字来作为世界各国领导人在气候变化在巴黎的一个主要的联合国首脑会议做准备。 孙某荣中有更多的。
它说,全球气温在1月至9月期间已经一分零两摄氏度以上1850 1900或前工业化之间的平均气温度,当人类开始燃烧化石燃料大规模。
一个程度的提高是重要心理关口,因为它把地球中途走向,科学家设置,以避免全球变暖的最坏影响,如洪水,干旱和海平面上升两摄氏度的极限。 打顶掉坏消息,世界气象组织表示,2016年将是第一个在这一年中的二氧化碳在大气中的浓度为每百万超过400份的平均水平。
世界银行警告说,如果没有正确的政策来应对气候变化的影响,增加100万人将被驱动到极度贫困,到2030年,破坏农业,助长疟疾和其他疾病的传播。 这项研究结果提前公布关于气候变化,根据三个星期,巴黎开始于一个重要的联合国首脑会议。

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