TED Talks2016.4.11---Meron Gribetz :通過AR技術連接現實世界

TED Talks2016.4.11---Meron Gribetz :通過AR技術連接現實世界
What if technology could connect us more deeply with our surroundings instead of distracting us from the real world? With the Meta 2, an augmented reality headset that makes it possible for users to see, grab and move holograms just like physical objects, Meron Gribetz hopes to extend our senses through a more natural machine. Join Gribetz as he takes the TED stage to demonstrate the reality-shifting Meta 2 for the first time. (Featuring Q&A with TED Curator Chris Anderson)
如果技术能够与我们的环境更深入地连接,而不是我们在现实世界中分心我们的?随着元2,增强现实的耳机,它使用户能够看到,抓住并移动全息图就像物理对象,梅龙Gribetz希望通过更自然的机器来扩展我们的感官。加入Gribetz因为他需要的TED的舞台,展示现实移元2首次。 (设有Q&A与TED馆长克里斯·安德森)

==========Google 翻译==========

0:13Today's computers are so amazing 0:16that we fail to notice how terrible they really are. 0:22I'd like to talk to you today about this problem, 0:24and how we can fix it with neuroscience. 0:28First, I'd like to take you back to a frosty night in Harlem in 2011 0:32that had a profound impact on me. 0:34I was sitting in a dive bar outside of Columbia University, 0:37where I studied computer science and neuroscience, 0:40and I was having this great conversation with a fellow student 0:43about the power of holograms to one day replace computers. 0:47And just as we were getting to the best part of the conversation, 0:50of course, his phone lights up. 0:52And he pulls it towards himself, and he looks down and he starts typing. 0:57And then he forces his eyeballs back up to mine and he goes,

1:00"Keep going. I'm with you." 1:02But of course his eyes were glazed over, 1:04and the moment was dead. 1:06Meanwhile across the bar, 1:08I noticed another student holding his phone, 1:10this time towards a group. 1:11He was swiping through pictures on Instagram, 1:14and these kids were laughing hysterically. 1:17And that dichotomy between how crappy I was feeling 1:20and how happy they were feeling about the same technology, 1:23really got me thinking. 1:25And the more I thought of it, the more I realized 1:27it was clearly not the digital information that was the bad guy here, 1:31it was simply the display position that was separating me from my friend 1:34and that was binding those kids together. 1:37See, they were connected around something, 1:39just like our ancestors who evolved their social cognitions 1:43telling stories around the campfire. 1:45And that's exactly what tools should do, I think. 1:48They should extend our bodies. 1:49And I think computers today are doing quite the opposite. 1:52Whether you're sending an email to your wife 1:55or you're composing a symphony 1:57or just consoling a friend, 1:58you're doing it in pretty much the same way.

2:01You're hunched over these rectangles, 2:03fumbling with buttons and menus and more rectangles. 2:06And I think this is the wrong way, 2:08I think we can start using a much more natural machine. 2:12We should use machines that bring our work back into the world. 2:15We should use machines that use the principles of neuroscience 2:18to extend our senses versus going against them. 2:23Now it just so happens that I have such a machine here. 2:26It's called the Meta 2. 2:27Let's try it out. 2:37Now in front of me right now, I can see the audience, 2:40and I can see my very hands. 2:43And in three, two, one, 2:45we're going to see an immersive hologram appear, 2:48a very realistic hologram appear in front of me, 2:50of our very glasses I'm wearing on my head right now. 2:52And of course this could be anything that we're shopping for 2:55or learning from, 2:56and I can use my hands 2:58to very nicely kind of move it around with fine control.

3:02And I think Iron Man would be proud. 3:06We're going to come back to this in just a bit. 3:09(Applause) 3:11Now if you're anything like me, your mind is already reeling 3:14with the possibilities of what we can do with this kind of technology, 3:18so let's look at a few. 3:19My mom is an architect, 3:20so naturally the first thing I imagined 3:22was laying out a building in 3D space 3:25instead of having to use these 2D floor plans. 3:27She's actually touching graphics right now 3:29and selecting an interior decor. 3:31This was all shot through a GoPro through our very glasses. 3:35And this next use case is very personal to me, 3:37it's Professor Adam Gazzaley's glass brain project, 3:41courtesy of UCSF. 3:43As a neuroscience student, 3:44I would always fantasize 3:46about the ability to learn and memorize these complex brain structures 3:51with an actual machine, 3:52where I could touch and play with the various brain structures. 3:56Now what you're seeing is called augmented reality,

4:00but to me, it's part of a much more important story -- 4:03a story of how we can begin to extend our bodies with digital devices, 4:10instead of the other way around. 4:13Now ... 4:15in the next few years, humanity's going to go through a shift, I think. 4:18We're going to start putting an entire layer of digital information 4:21on the real world. 4:24Just imagine for a moment 4:25what this could mean for storytellers, 4:27for painters, 4:28for brain surgeons, 4:31for interior decorators 4:32and maybe for all of us here today. 4:35And what I think we need to do as a community, 4:37is really try and make an effort 4:39to imagine how we can create this new reality 4:42in a way that extends the human experience, 4:45instead of gamifying our reality 4:47or cluttering it with digital information. 4:49And that's what I'm very passionate about. 4:52Now, I want to tell you a little secret. 4:54In about five years -- 4:55this is not the smallest device -- 4:57in about five years, 4:58these are all going to look like strips of glass on our eyes

5:01that project holograms. 5:03And just like we don't care so much about which phone we buy 5:06in terms of the hardware -- we buy it for the operating system -- 5:10as a neuroscientist, 5:11I always dreamt of building the iOS of the mind, if you will. 5:16And it's very, very important that we get this right, 5:19because we might be living inside of these things 5:21for at least as long as we've lived 5:23with the Windows graphical user interface. 5:26And I don't know about you, 5:27but living inside of Windows scares me. 5:30(Laughter) 5:31To isolate the single most intuitive interface out of infinity, 5:35we use neuroscience to drive our design guidelines, 5:37instead of letting a bunch of designers fight it out in the boardroom. 5:41And the principle we all revolve around 5:44is what's called the "Neural Path of Least Resistance." 5:47At every turn, we're connecting the iOS of the brain with our brain 5:51on, for the first time, our brain's terms. 5:53In other words, we're trying to create a zero learning-curve computer. 5:58We're building a system that you've always known how to use.

6:02Here are the first three design guidelines that we employ 6:05in this brand-new form of user experience. 6:07First and foremost, you are the operating system. 6:10Traditional file systems are complex and abstract, 6:13and they take your brain extra steps to decode them. 6:16We're going against the Neural Path of Least Resistance. 6:18Meanwhile, in augmented reality, 6:21you can of course place your holographic TED panel over here, 6:26and your holographic email on the other side of the desk, 6:29and your spatial memory evolved just fine to go ahead and retrieve them. 6:35You could put your holographic Tesla that you're shopping for -- 6:38or whatever model my legal team told me to put in right before the show. 6:42(Laughter) 6:43Perfect. And your brain knows exactly how to get it back. 6:45The second interface guideline we call "touch to see." 6:49What do babies do when they see something that grabs their interest? 6:54They try and reach out and touch it. 6:56And that's exactly how the natural machine should work as well.

7:00Turns out the visual system gets a fundamental boost 7:02from a sense we call proprioception -- 7:05that's the sense of our body parts in space. 7:07So by touching our work directly, we're not only going to control it better, 7:11we're also going to understand it much more deeply. 7:14Hence, touch to see. 7:16But it's not enough to experience things ourselves. 7:18We're inherently these social primates. 7:20And this leads me to our third guideline, 7:23the holographic campfire from our first story. 7:26Our mirror-neuron subsystem suggests 7:28that we can connect with each other and with our work much better 7:32if we can see each other's faces and hands in 3D. 7:35So if you look at the video behind me, 7:36you can see two Meta users playing around with the same hologram, 7:41making eye contact, connected around this thing, 7:43instead of being distracted by external devices. 7:48Let's go ahead and try this again with neuroscience in mind. 7:56So again, our favorite interface, the iOS of the mind.

8:00I'm going to now take a step further 8:02and go ahead and grab this pair of glasses 8:05and leave it right here by the desk. 8:06I'm now with you, I'm in the moment, 8:08we're connecting. 8:09My spatial memory kicks in, and I can go ahead and grab it 8:12and bring it right back here, reminding me 8:14that I am the operating system. 8:16And now my proprioception is working, 8:19and I can go ahead and explode these glasses into a thousand parts 8:22and touch the very sensor that is currently scanning my hand. 8:27But it's not enough to see things alone, 8:29so in a second, my co-founder Ray is going to make a 3D call -- 8:32Ray? 8:33(Ringing) 8:35Hey Ray, how's it going? 8:36Guys, I can see this guy in front me in full 3D. 8:40And he is photo-realistic. 8:42(Applause) 8:44Thank you. 8:45My mirror-neuron subsystem suggests that this is going to replace phones 8:49in not too long. 8:50Ray, how's it going? 8:52Ray: Great. We're live today. 8:54(Applause) 8:56MG: Ray, give the crowd a gift 8:58of the holographic brain we saw from the video earlier.

9:01Guys, this is not only going to change phones, 9:03it's also going to change the way we collaborate. 9:06Thank you so much. 9:07Thanks, Ray. 9:09Ray: You're welcome. 9:10(Applause) 9:11MG: So folks, this is the message that I discovered in that bar in 2011: 9:16The future of computers is not locked inside one of these screens. 9:20It's right here, inside of us. 9:25(Applause) 9:29So if there's one idea that I could leave you with here today, 9:32it's that the natural machine is not some figment of the future, 9:35it's right here in 2016. 9:38Which is why all hundred of us at Meta, 9:41including the administrative staff, 9:42the executives, 9:44the designers, the engineers -- 9:46before TED2017, 9:48we're all going to be throwing away our external monitors 9:51and replacing them with a truly and profoundly more natural machine. 9:56Thank you very much. 9:58(Applause)

10:02Thank you, appreciate it. 10:05Thanks, guys. 10:09Chris Anderson: So help me out on one thing, 10:12because there've been a few augmented reality demos 10:15shown over the last year or so out there. 10:18And there's sometimes a debate among technologists 10:20about, are we really seeing the real thing on-screen? 10:24There's this issue of field of view, 10:26that somehow the technology is showing a broader view 10:29than you would actually see wearing the glasses. 10:33Were we seeing the real deal there? 10:34MG: Absolutely the real deal. 10:36Not only that, 10:37we took extra measures to shoot it with a GoPro through the actual lens 10:40in the various videos that you've seen here. 10:42We want to try to simulate the experience for the world 10:45that we're actually seeing through the glasses, 10:47and not cut any corners. 10:48CA: Thank you so much for showing us that. 10:50MG: Thanks so much, I appreciate that.

0:00翻译:本Gokce修订:右舷Gülgen 0:13如今,电脑是如此的了不起, 0:16我们没有真正实现他们是多么可怕。 0:22今天,在这个问题上与你和神经病学科学 0:24我想谈谈我们如何才能解决这个问题。 0:28 2011年首先我要带你去一个寒冷的夜晚在哈莱姆 0:32这是对我的影响很大。 0:34哥伦比亚大学,我读了计算机和神经科学上 0:37我坐在一个偏僻的酒吧外 0:40和全息图的一天的同学的一个朋友 0:43我正要如何更换电脑伟大的谈话。 0:47当然,代替最好的聊天的 0:50电话响了。 0:52他看着朝着在她下来接近,开始写。 0:57然后,他强迫自己的眼睛看着我,说:

1:00 “去吧,我听你的。” 1:02但当然,他的眼睛模糊 1:04他逃离的那一刻的神奇。 1:06同时,在另一侧的杆 1:08我注意到一个学生拿着手机, 1:10但此时的组。 1:11这表明在Instagram的图片 1:14和孩子们疯狂大笑。 1:17我了它是如何糟糕的感觉相同的技术, 1:20他们之间是多么幸福感觉二分法 1:23真的让我想想。 1:25关于它更多的思考,这里的坏家伙 1:27而是我明白,数字信息, 1:31一件事,分开我从我的朋友说,孩子们连 1:34它实际上是显示地位。 1:37环顾四周,他们建立了联系的东西, 1:39大约在同一篝火讲故事的社会认知 1:43正如我们的祖先进化来提供。 1:45我认为它的意思做。 1:48它们应该是我们身体的延续。 1:49我认为,今天的电脑正在做的正好相反。 1:52无论你是发送电子邮件到你的妻子, 1:55无论你谱写交响乐, 1:57如果你想只是一个朋友是安慰, 1:58在大致相同的方式你怎么做。

2:01这些矩形被拖动, 2:03按钮,菜单,并再次寻找矩形。 2:06我认为这是错误的方式, 2:08我想我们可以开始使用更自然的机器。 2:12我们必须用我们的机器提供的工作回到世界。 2:15而不是被反对我们的感情,用起来 2:18我们必须使用使用神经科学原理的机器。 2:23幸运的是,我在这里有这样一台机器。 2:26标题元2。 2:27让我们试试吧。 2:37现在我可以看到在我前面的观众 2:40我可以看到我自己的手。 2:43三,二,一, 2:45我们将看到一个三维全息图时, 2:48那一刻我头上的眼镜 2:50在我面前的事实证明,一个很现实的全息图。 2:52当然,这个店或者说我们了解到,我们 2:55它可以是任何东西 2:56和微调慢慢 2:58我可以用我的手移动。

3:02我认为他是铁人的骄傲。 3:06我们很快就会回来的。 3:09 (掌声) 3:11如果你像我一样,用这种技术 3:14关于我们能做什么作为早已晕了。 3:18来吧,让我们来看看几个。 3:19我的母亲是一名建筑师, 3:20所以很自然的第一件事,我想 3:22相反,使用二维平面图的 3:25我正打算在三维空间的建筑物。 3:27目前的实际接触图 3:29选择室内装修。 3:31它使用的GoPro的所有我们自己的眼镜拍摄的。 3:35我旁边的是用一个非常个人化的例子 3:37亚当Gazzaley教授玻璃脑工程, 3:41感谢加州大学旧金山分校。 3:43作为一种神经科学的学生 3:44所有不同的大脑结构 3:46这种复杂的机器可以用真实的触摸玩 3:51学习大脑结构 3:52和记忆,梦想的人才。 3:56增加你所看到的,现在被称为现实,

4:00但这个故事对我来说更重要的部分 - 4:03我们如何开始扩大我们的数字化车身的故事, 4:10而不是被其他方式。 4:13现在... 4:15我认为在几年内人类将经历的变化。 4:18的数字信息的所有层的真实世界 4:21我们开始把。 4:24这只是一个时刻 4:25讲故事,对于画家 4:27对于神经外科医生, 4:28对于室内装饰 4:31或许今天在这里 4:32想象一下,这是什么意思给大家。 4:35我认为我们需要做的,作为一个社会, 4:37这一新的现实是扭曲事实 4:39或代替填充该数字信息 4:42为了提高人类的经验 4:45想象 4:47努力真正显示。 4:49这就是我热爱。 4:52现在,我想给你一个秘密。 4:54在五年左右 - 4:55这不是最小单位 - 4:57大约五年 4:58全息图反映这些在我们眼中

5:01类似于玻璃条。 5:03究竟是什么手机设备问题,当我们收到 5:06当我们如此在意 - 我们得到的操作系统 - 5:10作为一名神经科学家, 5:11为心灵的方式一直梦想打造的iOS。 5:16做对是非常重要的, 5:19因为至少在这些事 5:21 Windows的图形用户界面 5:23只要我们活着,我们可以生活。 5:26我不知道 5:27但我害怕生活在Windows中。 5:30 (笑声) 5:31从永恒消除最直观的界面 5:35相反,设计师屈指可数的在会议室展开竞争 5:38设计,神经科学,我们用它来确定我们的导游。 5:41回到原则,即在我们身边 5:44 “阻力最小的神经路径”(“最小的路径阻力神经”)被调用。 5:47在每一个步骤中,第一时间的脑的情况下, 5:51我们我们的大脑连接到大脑的iOS。 5:53换句话说,我们正努力创造零学习曲线的计算机。 5:58我们正在建设,你知道如何使用的所有时间的系统。

6:02这些使用新的用户体验,我们 6:05在这里,前三设计指南这里。 6:07你是第一个操作系统。 6:10传统的文件系统是复杂的,抽象的, 6:13你的大脑分配额外的措施来解决这些问题。 6:16对我们要走的路紧张的阻力最小。 6:18同时,增强现实 6:21当然你也可以在这里TED把你的全息面板, 6:26全息电子邮件,你的表的另一面 6:29你打算让他们按照空间记忆发展。 6:35特斯拉你可以把你的全息购物 - 6:38或者,如果在演出前的法律团队告诉我,把我哪个模型。 6:42 (笑声) 6:43优秀的。她知道究竟如何要回你的大脑。 6:46第二个接口指南“摸,看”的号召。 6:49婴儿他们做什么,当他们看到的东西,吸引他们的注意力? 6:54他们正试图达到和触摸。 6:56它应以同样的方式与天然机工作。

7:00 Profriyosepsiyo从我们称之为感觉(知觉内部) 7:02基于支持视觉系统的出现 - 7:05这种感觉,我们的身体部位的空间。 7:07所以我们直接接触我们的研究中,只有更好 7:11我们不控制,我们更加深刻地理解它。 7:14因此,接触和看见。 7:16但有一点是没有足够的经验阿马萨自己。 7:18我们是社会的灵长类动物遗传。 7:20这使我在第三导向, 7:23全息我们的第一个篝火故事。 7:26我们采取了镜面神经元系统, 7:28如果我们能够看到对方的脸和手在3D, 7:31他说,与对方并建立我们的工作更好的连接。 7:35所以,如果你看在我的背上视频, 7:37元的两位,而不是与外部设备分心, 7:41你用相同的全息玩,那眼神接触, 7:43你可以看到,这些事情涉及各地。 7:48让我们把它在我们的脑海中,而神经科学尝试。 7:56头脑的我们最喜爱的iOS界面一次。

8:00现在又进了一步 8:02我会去眼镜 8:05我将放在桌子上这里。 8:06现在,我和你在一起,我在那一刻, 8:08我们正在连接。 8:09空间记忆会去活动,你能理解, 8:12我再提起这里, 8:14这让我想起自己的操作系统。 8:16现在,他正试图profriyosepsiyon, 8:19我单独跟踪数千个眼镜 8:22我可以触摸此传感器当前正在扫描我的手。 8:27但是,仅仅有一点是不够看, 8:29所以我会做一个联合创始人雷3D第二个电话后 - 8:32雷? 8:33 (电话铃响) 8:35喜雷,最近怎么样? 8:36朋友们,我看这家伙在我面前的是全3D。 8:40逼真。 8:42 (掌声) 8:44谢谢。 8:45镜像神经元系统多一次电话之前花 8:49他说,这将取代。 8:50雷,最近怎么样? 8:52雷:太好了。我们今天的现场。 8:54 (掌声) 8:56 MG:我们看到在之前的视频 8:58全息大脑给作为礼物赠送给观众。

9:01朋友们,这只是手机 9:03不仅变化也将改变我们的协作方式。 9:06非常感谢你。 9:07谢谢,雷。 9:09雷:这是值得欢迎的。 9:10 (掌声) 9:11 MG:那我在2011年认识到酒吧与朋友这样的信息: 9:16电脑将保持锁定在该屏幕的未来。 9:20这里,这将是在我们。 9:25 (掌声) 9:29如果你今天有一个想法,我离开你独自一人, 9:32它不是自然的机器未来的凭空想象, 9:35 2016年就在这里。 9:38这就是为什么数百人在元 9:41行政人员, 9:42管理员 9:44设计师,工程师,包括 - 9:46 ted2017之前, 9:48我们会以我们所有的外接显示器 9:51并用机器取代它们确实是一个更自然。 9:56非常感谢你。 9:58 (掌声)

10:02谢谢你,谢谢你。 10:05谢谢朋友们。 10:09克里斯·安德森:帮助我的东西, 10:12因为这里的过去几年 10:15这是一些增强现实秀。 10:18有时候,技术专家之间的辩论; 10:20难道真的是我们在屏幕上看到? 10:24以目前的领域有此事, 10:26事实技术的方式,你看到戴眼镜 10:29它显示更多的图像。 10:33你有没有看到是真的有正确的事情? 10:34 MG:完全正确的事情。 10:36不仅如此, 10:37在各种各样的,你在这里看到的实际镜头的GoPro视频 10:40我们采取额外的预防措施,以吸引。 10:42如果不戴眼镜转向轻松,真的 10:45体验我们看世界 10:47我们试图模拟。 10:48 CA:谢谢你向我们展示了很多。 10:50 MG:谢谢你,谢谢你。

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