INKtalks2016.4.14---Marcelo Wesseler:如何破解電子商務

INKtalks2016.4.14---Marcelo Wesseler:如何破解電子商務
In this revealing talk, SingPost eCommerce CEO Marcelo Wesseler gives a rundown of the six core functions needed to run a successful online business, whether in Singapore or anywhere in the world. To illustrate the lessons he has learned, Marcelo recounts the various challenges faced by his company in the past. From dealing with customers worried about data confidentiality to addressing difficulties in driving traffic, overcoming these obstacles has propelled SingPost to emerge as a major e-commerce enabler for brands such as Adidas, Levi’s, and Muji.

==========Google 翻译==========

0:07in this afternoon to share with you a little more about the transformation 0:15that thing apropos thats been going through and quite honestly it's still 0:18going through the thing apropos that a hundred fifty-year-old company to freely 0:22old and I we had its roots in the mail business email business has provided for 0:28bravery longest time very reliable and profitable revenue streets until 0:34before actually many people even heard about the perpendicular fuckin this 0:38thing called email came along and no I can't even remember the last time 0:42actually hand wrote a letter to me at my rating but with very very long ago until 0:48actually have called the actual letter so that we not every exciting space for 0:53any business to be in it makes things a little wars you know putting a per-post 0:57was listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange in privatizing 2003 and have

1:02yet to find an investor that is really excited about investing in the business 1:05model difficult to disappear so I'll be seen tremendous pressure pressure 1:09reinvent are now there's no doubt that it really really quite a lot of big 1:14challenge to break good news was that are bored with very very course I fall 1:18and started diversify into business very very aggressively they first started but 1:22financial services and retail then logistic where they build a whole 1:27logistics network all across Asia Pacific from Australia and the South to 1:33my pen in the north and east and pretty much everywhere in the middle and 1:37they've also building where how this could actually support and then last but 1:43not least 10 be only 30 at that very recently in 2012 we embarked on 1:48e-commerce though and that's kind of what I want to talk to you about the 1:52most natural thing for an international postal provider to become an e-commerce 1:57company so before we started we looked at what is actually required to run in

2:01e-commerce business so we looked at all the six core functions that are required 2:05to run and commerce business the first thing obviously if the e-commerce 2:09technology to the flight data mobile experience that all the systems that are 2:13required to effectively transact online 2:16known that includes broad payment literally everything down then once you 2:20have that website where you need to drive traffic to it and that's not that 2:24straightforward there need to be an expert in digital marketing and 2:26marketing can order to drive traffic to the piper mobile experience 2:30well if you're trying to sell something online at least in Asia and especially 2:34in 2008 up people usually placed a call or check cashing place an order we need 2:39to have a Customer Care Center for customer call you are asking questions 2:43about the product they're selling then warehousing and fulfillment you once you 2:47receive an order you better pack and pick it up pick and packet and then 2:51actually give it to a lipstick providers send it out very quickly lost mail 2:56delivery also rather a central and last but not least merchandising and store

3:01operating no doubt good products you know nobody's gonna buy anything on your 3:04side are very common to be looked at all of that and look at what the Singapore 3:08Post even have to start though there was actually a couple of good news 3:12nobody had a lot of the rare how this that happen used by traditional catalog 3:15suppliers because that's a brief recap acts intensive that we didn't have to 3:20reinvent the real there we had a delivery and returns network which in 3:25Southeast Asia and Asia Pacific 3:26wide a standard product like it is in the USA and Europe there was actually a 3:31competitive advantage and agreeable can leverage all of our traditional postal 3:35relationships to really make that much stronger than coffee and a little bit 3:40surprised after we did some more research we had a lot of customer data 3:42to be a lot of customer data that people people are interested in and what they 3:47want to buy so we could actually email to them if he had any specific offers 3:52what we didn't have it all with an e-commerce technology our e-commerce 3:56platform where we actually had absolutely no clue about that we 3:59actually also did have some customer care capabilities but there were more

4:02internal or not really something that could be easily used for new commerce 4:08business but at least a good starting point that right how this we had 4:11delivery I mentioned we had that and merchandising and for management now we 4:15didn't really have a whole lot there so many many don't have a lot of things in 4:18a business but yes some portable border you start so we started with one thing 4:22which we thought was the most important thing which was actually two people so 4:26we started looking 4:27who are experts in e-commerce and mortgage companies would actually one of 4:31our core I don't think they would naturally actually one of our core post 4:35office so we had to create a very very different environment we set up an 4:39office a block and a half away from the core of corporate headquarters and set 4:44up something that looks very very different from the traditional postal 4:47offices are our previous offices that think both look I'm like out of office 4:52space the one in the basement they're extremely hard he would have not been 4:57able to really hire a lot of start-up oriented guide into that team so we were

5:01able to successfully set up a third up looking business our booking office that 5:07attracted then a lot of talented people and you know you might be surprised by 5:11how much difference 5:13physical appearance of an office can actually have we're also able to 5:17actually attract a lot of the existing think both employees in that office and 5:21excite them about though once we actually had the team in place you still 5:26need to figure out what are you actually going to do an e-commerce many many many 5:30different business model or base that he can operate so we started out with the 5:35luxury and fashion business we started telling Hermes handbags and a lot of 5:40their luxury things and surprisingly are not nobody actually sold quite a bit of 5:44a result back for more than $80,000 online would have never believed the 5:50challenge however is a business more what was actually competing with a lot 5:53of our customers are using other logistics I because they were worried 5:56that he might use their customer data and then you the bar on purpose so we

6:00stopped the business portion of your able to sell it but we discontinued that 6:04then we started a marketplace for Rwanda to enable all the customer that would be 6:08a house with us and all the customers that would ship with us that they could 6:11list of products 6:13third at that about two years ago but we truly quickly learned that it is very 6:18expensive to drive traffic to a marketplace especially if it's a broad 6:23range of Mara product that is quite coherent and you know it was very 6:27difficult to compete but very well-funded businesses that had lots of 6:31money to do to invest in traffic but also have lots of money to invest in 6:35promotions and make a product is really cheap and got a lot of buyers so we kind 6:39of gave up on that part too but what we've learned through the Pooh up above 6:44experiences is really to set up e-commerce businesses though we start to 6:48become an e-commerce enabler and setting up e-commerce sites and businesses for 6:54other companies though if you go for example today is Eid dust like here in 6:59Singapore or if you do the same thing in Malaysia do the same thing and

7:02Philippine health and Southeast Asia you will see that that's actually run by the 7:07rerun everything on their customer experience for us from the website under 7:13the Digital Marketing the warehouse delivery uploading all the products even 7:19to some extent put a photo shoots and by now we have about a thousand clients on 7:24our platform that we do that for quite a lot of companies are going to go to move 7:28here in Singapore you go to a lot of Australia and Korea and most likely you 7:33actually are dropping on a site for it but Singapore 7:39big advantage that he had is that we were able to actually not having to rely 7:44on anything legacy that we could actually reinvent everything from 7:47scratch and we're obviously on the latest and greatest technology we're 7:51even recently named as one of the leading e-commerce enabled by Forrester 7:55Research which made us really proud and I'll be helping us get more clients so

8:00that that transformation story and we're still in the beginning 8:05e-commerce is still not very big part of a proposed yet you know but if it made 8:10us get inspired the entire rest of the organization to really jump in and help 8:15your help the team if I can summarize the three main learnings that he got 8:24through but we've been through this transformation of the first things more 8:28important say no don't try to over analyze your business cases you know 8:32action always trumps any business plan or strategy it's probably always good to 8:38analyze whatever you want to do for months maybe two and really be sure that 8:42you want invest money in that but don't do that for a year or two because the 8:46competition competition is gonna outrun you and much much faster than you could 8:50ever know into today's cloud technologies it's not that expensive to 8:55actually start a fight in our business model and if it doesn't work you better 8:59feel fast and start to something else but important that you can learn from it

9:03they don't do the same mistake again though BB started multiple things you 9:07can come earlier above section started quite a lot more that actually failed to 9:12america actually mentioned hindsight it was good that we actually tried multiple 9:18think one of them actually worked out really 9:21then the second thing is to really start with the people without the people there 9:26are kinda execute your plan for executing strategy that actually works 9:30for you 9:31park and then listen to your customers because the customer that you have one 9:36that will guide you to work what would you do if you can find customers can 9:41satisfy their needs and can make a profit margin while you do that you know 9:45you're probably on the right track and you should continuously listen to your 9:48customers though initially thought I thought Southeast Asia's then we had 9:52customer that holds but can you help with an Australian album Korea know that 9:55that helped us just by going with what the customer on it 9:59be expanding the business and our footprint and last but not least make

10:03sure that you actually leverage some of your strengths so while it didn't look 10:08on the surface it's a proposal set up as an e-commerce company or had a lot of 10:11pranks and the one thing I don't know that her remember on the first flight 10:16there with the six components know all of these six components have to be 10:20combined by very good execution and operational excellence and that's one 10:25thing that a meal provided that you know they know really well how to execute and 10:30operated business in a very specific way gonna think apropos is delivering three 10:35million every single day and know the failure rate is a very very very small 10:40so one thing that's traditionally always good at is making sure that things 10:45actually work on operations capability which also happens to help them quite a 10:48bit so don't try to do something entirely new if you don't have any 10:53mall people with busy three things and I think before only successful already by 11:01far not there but this is just a very quick summer off but went through thank 11:06you

0:07今天下午跟你多一点关于改造分享 0:15那个东西中肯这就是正在经历和老实说它仍然 0:18经历的事情中肯的一百五十年历史的公司自由 0:22老了,我们已经在其邮件商务电子邮件​​业务根基已经为 0:28勇敢最长的一次非常可靠​​和盈利的收入,直到街道 0:34其实之前很多人甚至听说过垂直他妈的这 0:38东西叫做电子邮件走过来,不,我甚至不能记得上一次 0:42实际的手在我的评级,但与写了一封信给我非常非常前不久,直到 0:48实际上调用了实际的信,使我们并不是每一个精彩空间 0:53任何企业要在它使事情有点战争你知道每帖把一个 0:57在2003私有化并上市在新加坡证券交易所

1:02还没有找到一个投资者是很兴奋的业务投资 1:05模型很难消失,所以我会看到巨大的压力压 1:09重塑现在,毫无疑问,它真的相当多的大 1:14挑战打破好消息是,已经厌倦非常非常当然我倒下 1:18并开始多样化业务非常非常积极,他们首先开始,但 1:22金融服务和零售物流,然后在那里建立一个整体 1:27物流网络都在亚太地区,包括澳大利亚,南 1:33我的笔在中间的北部和东部地区和几乎无处不在, 1:37他们还建立在哪里如何可以真正支持,然后最后但 1:43并非最不重要的10只30在那最近在2012年,我们开始了 1:48电子商务虽然,这就是种什么我想和你谈的 1:52对于国际邮政提供最自然不过的事情,成为一个电子商务 1:57公司因此在我们开始我们看到了什么是真正需要运行在

2:01电子商务业务,所以我们看着都需要的六大核心功能 2:05运行和商业经营显然是第一件事情,如果电子商务 2:09技术,所有的系统,是飞行数据的移动体验 2:13有效的网上交易要求 2:16众所周知,包括广泛的支付字面上都记录下来,然后,一旦你 2:20有一个网站,你需要驾驶交通到它,这并不是说 2:24简单有需要在数字营销方面的专家, 2:26营销可以责令驾驶交通到吹笛移动体验 2:30还有,如果你想在网上卖东西,至少在亚洲,特别是 2:34在2008年达人通常放在一个电话或支票兑现的地方,我们需要一个订单 2:39有一个客户服务中心客户呼叫你问的问题 2:43关于产品他们卖那么,一旦你的仓储和履行你 2:47收到您的订单更好的包,并把它捡起来取包,然后 2:51实际上它给口红提供商发送出去很快失去了邮件 2:56交付也相当中央和最后但并非最不重要销售和存储

3:01操作无疑是好产品,你知道没有人会买什么你 3:04一边是很常见的在所有这一切来看待,并期待在新加坡什么 3:08帖子甚至不得不开始虽然居然有一对夫妇的好消息 3:12没人有很多罕见的是如何碰巧传统目录中使用 3:15供应商,因为这是一个简单回顾一下紧张的行为,我们没得 3:20重塑真正有我们有一个传递和返回网络这 3:25东南亚和亚太地区 3:26广像是一个标准的产品在美国和欧洲实际上是一个有 3:31竞争优势,并同意就可以利用我们的传统邮政的 3:35关系,真正使比咖啡和一点点的强多了 3:40惊讶我们做了一些调查研究,我们有很多客户资料后, 3:42是一个大量的客户数据,人们人有兴趣和他们 3:47想购买,所以我们实际上可以通过电子邮件发送给他们,如果他有任何具体的优惠 3:52我们没有这一切与电子商务技术我们的电子商务 3:56平台,我们实际上有大约,我们绝对没有任何线索 3:59其实也做了有一定的客户服务能力,但有更多的

4:02内部或没有真正的东西,可以很容易地用于新商业 4:08业务但至少这种权利如何,我们有一个很好的起点 4:11交付我提到,我们有这一点,销售和管理,现在我们 4:15真的没有了一大堆有这么多很多不具备的很多东西在 4:18一个生意,而且是你开始一些便携式的边界,所以我们开始一件事 4:22我们以为是里面竟是两个人就这样最重要的事情 4:26我们开始寻找 4:27谁是在电子商务和抵押贷款公司的专家实际上1 4:31我们的核心,我不认为他们会自然地我们的核心岗位实际上1 4:35办公室,所以我们不得不创造我们建立一个非常非常不同的环境 4:39办公室块半来自公司总部和一套核心离开 4:44最多的东西,看起来非常从传统邮政很大的不同 4:47办公室是我们以前是想看看这两个我很喜欢外出办公的办公室 4:52空间中的一个在地下室他们非常努力,他就一直没 4:57能够真正聘请了很多初创导向引导到该队伍,使我们

5:01能够成功地成立第三了寻找业务我们售票处的 5:07然后吸引了很多优秀的人才,你知道你可能会被惊讶 5:11多大的差别 5:13办公室的外貌居然能有我们也能 5:17居然吸引了不少现有认为无论员工在办公室和 5:21激发他们对一度我们其实是有团队的到位,你仍然 5:26需要搞清楚什么是你真正要做一个电子商务很多很多很多 5:30不同的商业模式或基地,他可以操作,所以我们开始了与 5:35奢华与时尚企业,我们开始告诉爱马仕手袋和很多 5:40他们的奢侈的事情,令人惊讶的是没有人居然卖到了相当多的 5:44结果回超过$ 80,000的网上根本就不会相信 5:50然而,挑战是企业更是什么,实际上有很多的竞争 5:53我们的客户正在使用其他的物流,因为我他们担心 5:56他可能会利用自己的客户资料,然后你故意的吧,所以我们

6:00停止你能卖它的商业部分,但我们认为停产 6:04然后我们开始了市场卢旺达,使所有客户,这将是 6:08与我们所有的客户一所房子,会跟我们说,他们可以出货 6:11产品清单 6:13第三在大约两年前,但我们确实很快了解到,这是很 6:18昂贵的驾驶交通到一个市场,特别是如果它是一个广阔 6:23玛拉的产品范围,这是比较一致的,你知道这是非常 6:27难以竞争,但非常好资企业是有很多的 6:31钱做投资流量,但也有大量的资金投向 6:35促销和做一个产品真的很便宜,并得到了很多买家,所以我们亲切 6:39放弃了对那部分太多,但我们已经通过了维尼了解到以上 6:44经验是真正建立电子商务企业虽然我们开始 6:48成为电子商务的推动者和建立电子商务网站和企业的 6:54其他公司,但如果你去比如今天就像是在这里开斋节灰尘 6:59新加坡或者如果你在马来西亚做同样的事情做同样的事情,

7:02菲律宾卫生和东南亚地区,你会看到,这实际上是由运行 7:07对客户体验的一切重演我们从下网站 7:13数字营销的仓库提货,甚至上传的所有产品 7:19在一定程度上把照片拍摄和现在我们在对上千个客户端 7:24我们的平台,我们做的,对于相当多的公司都打算去动 7:28在新加坡,你去了很多澳大利亚和韩国的,最有可能你 7:33实际上正在下降有关,但新加坡网站 7:39大的优势,他曾是我们能够真正不必依赖 7:44任何事情的遗产,我们实际上可以从重新发明一切 7:47从无到有,我们显然是在我们最新和最好的技术 7:51最近甚至评为由Forrester使领先的电子商务之一 7:55研究这使我们非常自豪,我会帮助我们获得更多的客户,使

8:00这是转型的故事,我们仍然在开始 8:05电子商务仍然不是一事一议但你知道的很大一部分,但如果它使 8:10我们得到启发组织的所有其余真正跳和帮助 8:15您的帮助球队,如果我可以总结,他得到了三个主要的学习收获 8:24但通过我们经历过的第一件事情更多的这种转变 8:28重要说不不要尝试通过分析你知道你的商业案例 8:32动作总是胜过任何商业计划或战略,它可能是一件好事, 8:38分析任何你想要的几个月做也许两个,真正确保 8:42你想在投资的钱,但不这样做,对一年或两年,因为 8:46比赛竞争是要逃脱你,而且比你可以更快 8:50你永远不知道成今天的云技术这并不是说贵的 8:55实际上在我们的商业模式开始战斗,如果它不工作得更好,你 8:59感觉快,并开始其他人,但重要的是你可以从中学到东西

9:03他们不这样做同样的错误再次,虽然BB开始多东西,你 9:07能早点来上一节开始了很多更实际未能 9:12美国实际上提到事后看来这是很好的,我们真的试图多 9:18想到其中一人竟摸索出真 9:21那么第二件事是真正的人没有人那里开始 9:26还挺执行你的计划执行战略的实际工作 9:30为你 9:31停车,然后再听听你的客户,因为客户,你有一个 9:36将指导你的工作你会怎么做,如果你能找到客户可以 9:41满足他们的需求,并可以使利润率,而你做,你知道 9:45你可能是在正确的轨道上,你应该不断地听你的 9:48客户虽然起初以为我以为东南亚那么我们有 9:52客户持有,但你可以在澳大利亚的专辑韩国帮知道 9:55这帮助我们只需与它的客户有什么打算 9:59要扩大业务,我们的足迹和最后但并非最不重要使

10:03确保你居然利用你的强项,所以虽然它看起来并不 10:08表面上这是一个建议设置成一个电子商务公司还​​是有很多的 10:11恶作剧和有一件事我不知道,她记得第一次飞行 10:16有与六组件都知道这六个组件必须 10:20通过很好的执行力和卓越运营相结合,并且的One 10:25事情一顿饭只要你知道他们真正掌握如何执行​​和 10:30在一个非常特殊的方式经营的企业会认为中肯的提供了三项 10:35万元每一天,知道故障率是一个非常非常非常小 10:40这么一件事是传统一直擅长的是确​​保事情 10:45在作战能力这也恰好帮助他们实际工作相当 10:48位,所以不要尝试做全新的东西,如果你没有任何 10:53商场人忙三件事,我之前只觉得成功已经被 11:01到目前为止不存在,但是这仅仅是一个非常快夏天了,但是,感谢了 11:06您

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