TED Talks2016.4.13---Carol Fishman Cohen :再從業實習

TED Talks2016.4.13---Carol Fishman Cohen :再從業實習
If you've taken a career break and are now looking to return to the workforce, would you consider taking an internship? Career reentry expert Carol Fishman Cohen thinks you should. In this talk, hear about Cohen's own experience as a 40-year-old intern, her work championing the success of "relaunchers" and how employers are changing how they engage with return-to-work talent.

==========Google 翻译==========

0:00 Translator: Hancheng Li proofreaders: Susan Zhang 0:14 Some people leave after the holiday back to work in the past, 0:17 I call them "re-practitioners." 0:20 These people choose to leave off the holiday, some are to care for the elderly, 0:23 Some are to take care of children, 0:25 Some are also pursuing personal interests, 0:27 Or health factors. 0:30 Jobs all walks of life who are closely related: 0:33 Veterans, Junsao, 0:35 Retirement Employment of people, 0:38 Or repatriated persons. 0:41 After leaving holiday return to work is very difficult, 0:44 Since then between employers and practitioners 0:47 With the gap. 0:49 Employers believe that hire these working hours resume incoherent man 0:53 Is very risky decision, 0:55 The holiday is to leave people in 0:57 It may be their ability to re-practitioners doubts,

1:01 Especially those who leave, whichever is longer. 1:04 Lack of connection between the two is that I'm trying to solve. 1:09 Today, we can see the success of another practitioner in all walks of life. 1:14 And this is Sammy Ke Fala, 1:16 He is a British nuclear physicist, 1:19 Because I want to take care of five children at home and had to leave the holiday five years. 1:24 Singapore media recently published an article, 1:26 Content is about to leave after the holiday of nurse practitioners. 1:30 Mentioned long-service leave, 1:32 And this is Mimi Kahn, 1:34 She is a social worker in Orange County, California, 1:37 She spent 25 years in the holiday departure 1:40 Back to a social service organization. 1:43 I understand that this is the longest vacation leave. 1:46 Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, 1:48 Earlier in his career, he spent five years in-service holiday. 1:52 This is Tracy Shabi Luo, she spent 13 years leaving holiday. 1:57 Tracy replied collection from "Today Show" audience to the problem,

2:01 They want to return to work, 2:03 But found difficult to achieve. 2:06 Tracy wrote: he is a mother of five children, also enjoy time at home, 2:10 But she experienced a divorce, and the urgent need to return to work status, 2:14 In addition, she wanted to put her life back to work, 2:17 Because she enjoyed the work. 2:19 Tracy has done what we have done a lot of people, 2:22 Daily non-stop search for the right job. 2:25 She looked for jobs finance, accounting areas 2:28 Before that she spent nine months time, 2:31 Very hard to investigate a company online, 2:34 Then put in your resume, but found nothing. 2:38 In June 2011 I met Tracy, 2:41 Then "Today Show" program asked me whether working with her, 2:45 See if I can help her out of trouble. 2:48 The first thing I told Tracy that she must be out of the house. 2:51 I told her that she must open their own job ideas, 2:54 Then tell everyone she knew, the strong desire to own another practitioner. 2:58 I also told her, "You have a lot of dialogue involving

3:02 Is you have absolutely no help. 3:04 You should be psychologically prepared, not because of those frustrated. 3:07 Before finding jobs, 3:08 To really experience a lot of trivia. " 3:12 I'll tell you later how to deal with Tracy, 3:15 I would like to begin to share my discovery, 3:17 I was just back to work, 3:19 Ending his 11 years away from full-time work force of vacation. 3:23 This finding is that people are your impressions solidified in the past. 3:29 I mean, when you start dealing with people again, 3:33 Re-engage with the people who worked, 3:35 For example, together with you to school, people who worked, 3:39 Their impression of you is 3:41 Holiday before you leave. 3:43 Our self-consciousness gradually fade over time, 3:47 Many of us will be doing, 3:49 We also farther and farther away from our professional identity. 3:53 For example, you might put yourself as such. 3:57 This is me, opened a small van for a day, the people feel crazy.

4:02 This is what I look like in the kitchen. 4:04 But the past those people, 4:07 They know nothing about them. 4:09 They only remember the way you used to, 4:12 When you communicate with these people again, really greatly enhanced self-confidence, 4:16 And their interest in you again practitioners feel very happy. 4:21 I still clearly remember happened to me leaving the holiday thing. 4:25 I was not concerned almost entirely economic news. 4:28 I was born financial services sector, 4:30 However, when I was at home to take care of four children, 4:33 I hardly follow any news. 4:36 So I am afraid that he went to the interview, 4:39 It will be referred to a company that no longer exists. 4:43 So I re-subscribe to the Wall Street Journal, 4:46 Then continuously looked for six months, 4:50 After that I felt on the economy there has been a point of understanding. 4:55 I believe that another practitioner is the labor force of the elite, 4:59 For the following reasons.

5:01 Think stage of our life: 5:03 For those who want to take care of children because of holidays and holiday leave, 5:06 Most did not leave, maternity leave or short. 5:08 We would have done these. 5:10 Our divorce rate is low, because few mates adjustments. 5:13 Our lives more stable. 5:16 We have a great work experience, 5:18 More mature vision, 5:20 We will not become a victim of the employer. 5:23 In addition, we have an energy - return to work enthusiasm, 5:27 It is precisely because we have to leave for some time. 5:31 In addition, I also discussed with employers, 5:34 The following are two concerns about employers hiring again practitioners. 5:38 First, employers worry about these practitioners again 5:41 Technology is relatively backward. 5:44 I can tell you, 5:45 Although there was a time I really backward technology, 5:49 But that is only temporary. 5:51 A long time ago I used the "Lotus 123" software to do the financial analysis, 5:57 I do not know if people remember things in the past so early,

6:00 I have to pick up these skills on Excel. 6:02 In fact, this is not difficult, many of the operating instructions are the same. 6:06 I find PowerPoint more challenging, 6:08 But now I'm very much at home on PowerPoint. 6:11 I told another practitioner who Employers want people looking for work 6:16 Basic office management software experience. 6:20 If they operate fast enough, 6:21 That they must become more efficient. 6:24 And they really do. 6:25 The owner of another practitioner second concerns 6:29 They worry that another practitioner is not clear what they want to do. 6:33 I told another practitioner, they must be carefully studied, 6:36 Understand their hobby or skill 6:40 In the process of leaving the holiday 6:41 Are the changes. 6:43 This is not the employer's responsibility. 6:45 The practitioner is then the responsibility of the employer to show themselves, 6:50 To fully demonstrate their value to be created. 6:54 In 2010, I began to notice a thing. 6:58 I began tracking cases from 2008 people return to work,

7:02 However, in 2010, I began to notice, 7:05 A short-term, paid jobs began to appear, 7:09 Whether it is not called "internship" 7:12 But in short, it is a lot like the internship experience, 7:14 This was back into work professionals opens the way. 7:17 I saw Sally and Goldman Sachs Group 7:20 Such practitioners are beginning secondary internship program. 7:23 I saw a practitioner of another engineer, then regarded as less traditional practitioners, 7:29 Applied for a military junior internship program, 7:32 He later obtained a permanent job. 7:35 I saw two universities 7:38 Internship Program will integrate management education to mid-career programs. 7:43 So far as I have observed the phenomenon, I wrote a report, 7:46 Later, it was published in the "Harvard Business Review", 7:49 Called "40-year-old intern." 7:50 I have to thank the editors of the proposed title, 7:53 There is this great with maps, 7:55 You can see the 40-year-old intern appeared in a group of university interns. 7:59 Later, we have to thank the Fox Business News,

8:02 They put this concept is called "50-year-old intern." 8:05 (laughter) 8:09 Five largest financial services companies 8:13 Then practitioners have established internship program, designed to return to the post of financial elite. 8:17 So far, hundreds of people involved in these projects. 8:20 These internships are unpaid, 8:22 And those who promoted to permanent positions, 8:25 We have a very competitive salary. 8:28 Now, the seven largest engineering company, 8:32 Practitioners also re-implement internship programs to help return to work of engineers, 8:36 This is also part of the Society of Women Engineers of the new program. 8:41 So why do these companies strongly support the re-employed practice it? 8:46 Because this practice allows employers 8:49 Based on the actual effectiveness of the participants to make hiring decisions, 8:53 Rather than a series of interviews, 8:55 And before the end of the internship employer does not have to 8:59 Decision on permanent employment.

9:02 During this trial period eliminates certain risks, 9:06 It's about some concerns about the hiring manager again practitioners, 9:10 At the same time, it also attracted a large number of practitioners again, 9:12 They became good employment target. 9:15 Ladies and gentlemen, think about our progress, 9:17 Prior to this, most employers 9:19 Not interested in dealing with another practitioner. 9:22 But now, there are many projects in their implementation, 9:26 In particular, then this project for practitioners, 9:29 If there is no period of free time on your resume, 9:31 You can not apply for these programs. 9:34 This marks a substantial change, 9:36 A real institutional change, 9:39 Because if we can solve this problem and then practitioners, 9:42 We can solve the same problem as the other person's career transition. 9:46 In fact, an employer just told me, 9:48 Their "veteran practitioners again project" 9:50 It is based on their re-employed internship program. 9:54 We have no reason not to set up a "retiree Internship Program." 9:59 Different objects, the same concept.

10:02 Let me tell you Tracy Shabi Luo finally happened. 10:04 You recall, she had to tell everyone she knew, 10:07 Own return to work very interested. 10:09 As a result, her own community elders had a crucial conversation, 10:14 This allows her to find a job invitation. 10:16 It is a financial accounting department. 10:18 But that is temporary. 10:20 The company told her that there may be opportunities for job promotion, 10:24 But not guaranteed. 10:26 It was the fall of 2011. 10:29 Tracy loves the company, but she liked the staff, 10:32 She went home from the office in 10 minutes. 10:35 So even though she later got a second job invitation, 10:38 From another company, and a permanent, full-time guarantee, 10:41 She decided to take a chance in this internship program, 10:44 To make personnel, listen to fate. 10:47 Finally, her performance far exceeded all expectations, 10:50 The company not only offered her a permanent post, 10:52 That was in early 2012, 10:55 And they also make her work more interesting, challenging, 10:57 Because they know that Tracy could do it.

11:00 Fast-forward to 2015, 11:02 Tracy received a promotion. 11:04 Company for her evening MBA curriculum pay. 11:06 She even hired another practitioner to work for her again. 11:11 Tracy is like a temporary experiment, 11:15 Like internship program 11:16 Ultimately, Tracy and her employer to reach a win-win situation. 11:23 My goal is to concepts such re-employed practice 11:28 Tell A growing number of employers. 11:30 But at the same time, 11:32 If you return to work after leaving the holiday, 11:35 Do not hesitate to employers proposed the creation of internships, or like-minded internship program, 11:41 Particularly those companies no formal internship program practitioners again. 11:47 Striving to be their first success story, 11:49 And you can become future practitioners more then a model. 11:53 thank you all. 11:55 (applause)

0:00翻译人员: Hancheng Li 校对人员: Susan Zhang 0:14有些人经过离职长假之后 重新投入到工作中来, 0:17我称他们为“再从业者”。 0:20这些人选择休离职长假, 有些是要照顾老人, 0:23有些是要照顾孩子, 0:25也有些是追求个人爱好, 0:27或是健康因素。 0:30各行各业转业的人 都与之紧密相关: 0:33退伍军人、军嫂, 0:35退休返聘的人, 0:38或遣返回国者。 0:41离职长假后重返工作 是非常困难的, 0:44因为雇主和再从业者之间 0:47有了隔阂。 0:49雇主们认为,雇佣这些 简历上工作时间不连贯的人 0:53是风险极高的决策, 0:55而正在离职长假中的人 0:57可能对自己再从业的能力产生疑虑,

1:01特别是那些离职时间较长者。 1:04两者间的缺乏联系 是我在尝试解决的问题。 1:09如今,我们在各行各业 都能见到成功的再从业者。 1:14这位是萨米·科法拉, 1:16他是英国的一位核物理学家, 1:19因为要在家照顾五个孩子 而度过了五年的离职长假。 1:24新加坡的媒体最近发表了文章, 1:26内容是有关离职长假后再从业的护士。 1:30提到长时间的离职假期, 1:32这位是米米·卡恩, 1:34她是加州奥兰治县的一位社工, 1:37她在度过25年的离职长假后 1:40回到了一个社会服务组织工作。 1:43这是据我所知最长的离职假期。 1:46最高法院法官桑德拉·戴·奥康纳, 1:48在其职业生涯早期 度过了五年离职长假。 1:52这位是特蕾西·莎碧罗, 她度过了13年的离职长假。 1:57特蕾西答复了从“今日秀”节目观众中 征集到的问题,

2:01他们想要重返工作, 2:03却发现很难做到。 2:06特蕾西写道:自己是五个孩子的母亲, 也很享受居家的时间, 2:10但是她历经了一次离婚, 并且急需回到工作状态, 2:14另外,她很想把工作 带回她的生活中, 2:17因为她也很享受工作。 2:19特蕾西也曾做过 我们很多人所做的事, 2:22每天不停的搜寻合适的工作。 2:25她找过财经、会计领域的职位, 2:28她在那之前花掉了九个月时间, 2:31很努力地调查网上的公司, 2:34然后投放简历,却一无所获。 2:38我在2011年六月见到了特蕾西, 2:41那时“今日秀”节目 问我可否与她合作, 2:45看我能不能帮她走出困境。 2:48我告诉特蕾西的第一件事, 就是她必须走出家门。 2:51我告诉她,她必须 公开自己求职的想法, 2:54然后告诉她认识的所有人, 自己再从业的强烈意愿。 2:58我还告诉她, “有很多你参与的对话

3:02是对你完全没有帮助的。 3:04你要做好心理准备, 别因为那些而灰心丧气。 3:07找到工作机会之前, 3:08确实要经历很多琐事。” 3:12我稍后再告诉你们 特蕾西是如何处理的, 3:15我想先跟大家分享 我的一个发现, 3:17那时我刚刚回到工作中, 3:19结束了自己离开全职工作大军 11年的长假。 3:23这个发现就是, 人们对你的印象凝固在过去。 3:29我的意思是, 当你再次开始与人打交道, 3:33与曾经合作过的人重新接触, 3:35例如跟你一起上学、工作过的人, 3:39他们对你的印象是 3:41离职长假之前的你。 3:43我们的自我意识 随着时间推移逐渐淡化, 3:47我们很多人都会这样, 3:49我们距离我们的职业身份 也就越来越远。 3:53举个例子, 你可能把你自己看成这样。 3:57这就是我,开了一天小面包车, 整个人感觉很疯狂。

4:02这是我在厨房里的样子。 4:04但是从前的那些人, 4:07他们对这些一无所知。 4:09他们只记得你曾经的样子, 4:12当你重新与这些人沟通时, 真是大大的增强了自信心, 4:16而且他们对你有再从业的兴趣 感到非常的开心。 4:21我还清晰地记得发生在 我离职长假中的一件事。 4:25那时我几乎完全不关注经济新闻。 4:28我曾是财经行业出身, 4:30然而我在家照顾四个孩子时, 4:33我几乎不关注任何的新闻。 4:36所以我很害怕, 自己去参加面试的时候, 4:39会讲到一个不复存在的公司。 4:43所以我重新订阅了华尔街日报, 4:46然后连续看了六个月, 4:50之后我才觉得自己对经济 又有了点解了。 4:55我相信再从业者是 劳动大军中的精英, 4:59原因如下。

5:01想想我们人生的阶段: 5:03对于那些因为要照顾孩子 而休离职假期的人, 5:06大都没有产假,或是产假很短。 5:08我们早就做过这些了。 5:10我们离婚率较低, 也很少因伴侣而调整工作。 5:13我们的生活更稳定。 5:16我们有很棒的工作经历, 5:18更成熟的眼光, 5:20我们不会成为雇主的牺牲品。 5:23此外,我们有一种能量 - 重返岗位的热情, 5:27正是因为我们离职一段时间了。 5:31另外,我也跟雇主讨论, 5:34以下是雇主们 关于雇佣再从业者的两个担忧。 5:38其一,雇主担心这些再从业者 5:41技术方面比较落后。 5:44我可以告诉各位, 5:45虽然有段时间我自己技术确实落后, 5:49但那只是暂时的。 5:51很早以前我用“莲花123”软件 来做财经分析, 5:57我不知道有没有人还记得 那么早以前的事了,

6:00这些技能我得在 Excel上重新拾起。 6:02其实这并并非难事, 很多的操作指令是一样的。 6:06我发现PowerPoint更具挑战性, 6:08但现在我对PowerPoint驾轻就熟。 6:11我告诉再从业者们, 雇主希望找工作的人 6:16对基本的办公管理软件 有实践经验。 6:20如果他们操作速度不够快, 6:21那他们就必须变得更高效。 6:24而他们确实做得到。 6:25雇主对再从业者的第二种忧虑, 6:29就是他们担心再从业者 不清楚他们想要做什么。 6:33我告诉再从业者, 他们必须仔细研究, 6:36了解自己的爱好或者技能 6:40在离职长假的过程中 6:41是否发生了变化。 6:43这不是雇主的职责。 6:45这个是再从业者的责任, 把自己展现给雇主, 6:50来充分展示自己可创造的价值。 6:542010年,我开始注意到一件事。 6:58我从2008年开始追踪 人们重返岗位的情况,

7:02然而在2010年,我开始注意到, 7:05一种短期、带薪的工作机会开始出现, 7:09不论它是不是名叫“实习”, 7:12但总之是一个很像实习的经历, 7:14这为重回岗位的专业人士 开辟了一条道路。 7:17我看到高盛和莎莉集团 7:20都开始了此类 二次从业的实习项目。 7:23我看到一个再从业的工程师, 算是不太传统的再从业人士, 7:29申请了一个 军方的初级实习项目, 7:32后来他获得了一个永久的工作。 7:35我看到两所大学 7:38将实习项目整合到 职业中期管理学教育项目中。 7:43于是,就我所观察到的现象, 我写了一篇报告, 7:46后来它发表在了 《哈佛商业评论》中, 7:49名字叫《40岁的实习生》。 7:50我必须得感谢编者拟的标题, 7:53还有这个很棒的配图, 7:55你们可以看到那个40岁的实习生 出现在一群大学实习生中。 7:59后来,还得感谢福克斯商业新闻,

8:02他们把这个概念称为 “50岁的实习生”。 8:05(笑声) 8:09五家最大的金融服务公司 8:13都设立了再从业实习项目, 专为重回岗位的金融精英。 8:17截至目前,数百人参与了这些项目。 8:20这些实习项目是带薪的, 8:22而且那些晋升到永久岗位的人, 8:25都有极具竞争力的薪资。 8:28现在,七家最大的工程公司, 8:32也在推行再从业实习项目, 来帮助重返岗位的工程师, 8:36这也是女性工程师协会 新方案的一部分。 8:41那么,为什么这些企业 大力支持再从业实习呢? 8:46因为这种实习可以让雇主 8:49基于参与者实际工作成效 来做出雇佣决策, 8:53而非一系列的面试, 8:55而且雇主不必在实习结束之前 8:59就做出永久雇佣的决定。

9:02这段试验期消除了一定的风险, 9:06这关乎某些经理人 对雇佣再从业者的担忧, 9:10同时,这也吸引了大量再从业人士, 9:12他们成为了出色的雇佣对象。 9:15各位,想一想我们取得的进步, 9:17在此之前,大多数雇主 9:19根本没兴趣与再从业者打交道。 9:22然而现在,有许多项目在开展实施, 9:26特别是针对再从业者的项目, 9:29如果简历上没有一段空档期, 9:31你根本不能申请这些项目。 9:34这标志着一种实质变化, 9:36一种真正的制度变革, 9:39因为如果我们可以 为再从业者解决这个问题, 9:42我们亦可为其他的职业转型者 解决同样的问题。 9:46事实上,一位雇主刚刚告诉我, 9:48他们的“退伍军人再从业项目”, 9:50就是基于他们的再从业实习项目。 9:54我们也没有理由不去设立 一个“退休人士实习项目”。 9:59不同的对象,相同的概念。

10:02让我告诉你们特蕾西·莎碧罗 最后发生了什么。 10:04各位回想一下, 她必须告诉她认识的每一个人, 10:07自己对重返工作岗位很有兴趣。 10:09结果,她与自己社区里的长辈 进行了一次关键的谈话, 10:14这让她找到了一份工作邀请。 10:16那是一个金融部门的会计工作。 10:18但那是临时的。 10:20公司告诉她, 有可能有岗位晋升的机会, 10:24但是不能保证。 10:26那是2011年的秋天。 10:29特蕾西很爱那个公司, 而且她喜欢那里的员工, 10:32从办公室去她家只需10分钟。 10:35所以即使她后来得到了 第二份工作邀请, 10:38来自另一家公司, 而且有永久、全职的保证, 10:41她决定在这份实习项目中冒冒险, 10:44尽人事,听天命。 10:47最后,她的业绩 远远超出了所有人的期望值, 10:50公司不但提供了她永久岗位, 10:52那是在2012年初, 10:55而且他们还让她的工作 更加有趣、有挑战性, 10:57因为他们知道特蕾西可以办得到。

11:00时间快进到2015年, 11:02特蕾西获得了晋升。 11:04公司为她的夜校工商管理课程买单。 11:06她甚至雇佣了 另一位再从业者为她工作。 11:11特蕾西的临时工作像是一个试验, 11:15就像实习项目, 11:16而最终,特蕾西和她的雇主 达到了双赢局面。 11:23我的目标是将这种 再从业实习的概念 11:28推荐给越来越多的雇主。 11:30但是与此同时, 11:32如果你在离职长假后重返岗位, 11:35别犹豫向雇主提议设立实习项目, 或者类似实习项目的想法, 11:41特别是那些没有 正式的再从业实习项目的公司。 11:47争当他们的第一个成功故事, 11:49而你们都可以成为 未来更多再从业者的楷模。 11:53谢谢大家。 11:55(掌声)

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