
For years, man has dreamed of living in space. However, life off of Earth isn’t quite as easy as it’s depicted in The Jetsons. There are problems that exist in space, like exposure to cosmic rays, which would lead to radiation poisoning. Then there are the dangers of flying space debris, like asteroids. Still, thanks to our innate urge to explore and colonize new lands, there have been a handful of people who have looked for ways to make life in space possible.
10. Darrell C. Romick’s Space City
9. The Bernal Sphere
8. Stanford Torus
7. The O’Neill Cylinder
6. Lewis One Space Colony
5. Kalpana One
4. Project Persephone
3. Bigelow Aerospace Module
2. Foster + Partners’ Moon Structures
1. Mars One Colony

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0:0010 Far Out Space Stations and Colonies 0:0710. Darrell C. Romick’s Space City 0:14In 1955, Goodyear Aircraft engineer Darrell C. Romick showed the American Rocket Society 0:20a proposal for an ambitious space station. Romick’s craft would be a three-stage space 0:24launch, and what separates Romick’s design from many other spacecraft is that all three 0:28stages would involve crafts that could be piloted and re-used. 0:31Romick’s city would be constructed in space. The third stage spacecraft would be a rocket 0:37and 10 of these rockets would be attached end-to-end, which would create a long cylinder. 0:41As they connected the rockets, an airtight shield would be built over them, and after 0:45six months a large expansion would be built over the cylinder to give it more of a capsule 0:50look. There would also be a flat circular living space at one end that would house 20,000 0:54people, and at the opposite end of the living quarters there would be dry docks for ships 0:58to land. 0:59In total, the space station would be the size of two Empire State Buildings end-to-end,

1:03while the circular living area would be about the size of the Pentagon. According to Romick’s 1:07plans, it would take three and a half years to complete the city in space. 1:129. The Bernal Sphere 1:14An early vision of a habitat in space was the Bernal Sphere, which was designed by British 1:18scientist John Desmond Bernal. It was meant to be a sphere with two poles attached on 1:23opposite sides. The sphere would be one mile in circumference and would hold 10,000 people. 1:28The end of the poles would have docking areas and other zero gravity manufacturing would 1:32be done there. Like many other habitats in space, it would have to spin to create gravity, 1:36and according to the plans it would have its own agricultural system and be powered using 1:40solar panels. 1:41Originally, it was thought that one of these spheres would have been constructed by the 1:441990s. But of course, decades later, a floating space habitat remains a dream. 1:508. Stanford Torus 1:53A ringworld space station has been seen in a few science fiction stories, including Elysium. 1:57One of the most famous designs for a real life version is the Stanford Torus, designed

2:02in 1975. The plans were based on a design by physicist Gerard O’Neill, who wrote a 2:07book about possible space stations. His design was modified by a group of NASA scientists, 2:12engineers and artists. 2:13The Torus would be one mile in diameter and accommodate up to 10,000 people. It would 2:17be situated between the Earth and the moon, about 250,000 miles (402,000 kilometers) from 2:22Earth, and would create gravity by rotating. It would also have an agricultural system, 2:28dairy farms and tiered greenhouses, and mirrored solar panels would provide energy and keep 2:33cosmic rays out. There would be so much solar energy that it could send its excess back 2:37to Earth. 2:38According to their study, the group behind the Torus believed that it could be built 2:41by the year 2000. Obviously that didn’t happen, but the possibility still exists. 2:477. The O’Neill Cylinder 2:49In Gerard O’Neill’s book, he discussed the possibility of three different space habitats. 2:54One of the most notable ones is his own design, which is called the O’Neill Cylinder. The 2:58cylinder would be five miles wide and 20 miles long. It would need to spin 40 times an hour

3:03so that it would have gravity similar to Earth. The cylinder would hold 40,000 people and 3:07the plan included a fully functional city complete with parks, recreational centers, 3:12and businesses. 3:13The cylinder itself would have thick walls that would alternate between land and mirrored 3:17solar panels. The panels would stop radiation from getting in and would also power the vessel. 3:21Due to the thickness of the walls and the internal size of the cylinder it would develop 3:25its own atmosphere, including changes in weather. The primary hiccup that’s kept the cylinder 3:29from becoming a reality is that it would always need to face the sun. Otherwise, construction 3:34is still entirely feasible. 3:366. Lewis One Space Colony 3:39In 1991, NASA’s Al Globus tried to update conceptual space stations from the 1970s using 3:45the most up-to-date computers. His design, the Lewis One, was a cylinder that would house 3:4910,000 people. The station would have its own manufacturing area, where the people on 3:53board would need to build new segments and even copies of the space station. The capsule 3:58would be 6,300 feet (1,921 meters) long and 1,750 feet (534 meters) wide.

4:06The outside would have two flat solar panels that would also protect the inhabitants from 4:10cosmic rays. The solar panels wouldn’t move, but the capsule inside would rotate to create 4:14gravity. One of the major downfalls of the project was the lack of actual sunlight getting 4:19into the vessel. 4:205. Kalpana One 4:23Named after Kalpana Chawla, an astronaut who died in the 2003 Columbia disaster, this design 4:28was a 2006 update of the Lewis One. The design was much smaller, at 1,066 feet (325 meters) 4:35in length with a diameter of 1,800 feet (550 meters). In total, it would house 5,000 people 4:41with plenty of green space. It would also be shaped like a top, with a halo shaped environment 4:46for the habitat. It would rotate no more than two times per minute, giving the outer ring 4:50of the halo gravitational pull because of centripetal force. This would create the appearance 4:55that people were walking on the ceiling. 4:574. Project Persephone 4:59If you’ve ever been concerned about a global catastrophe, we’ve got good news. Right

5:03now, 13 researchers from the universities of Greenwich, Warwick and Surrey are building 5:07a space ark that could ensure humanity lives on. It called Project Persephone and is named 5:12after the Greek queen of the underworld. 5:13The ark would be a cylinder about 12 miles (20 kilometers) long, and three miles (five 5:18kilometers) in diameter. It would be full of soil, and people would live in burrows. 5:22Persephone would also be self-sustaining, and it would develop its own ecosystems instead 5:26of relying on mechanical parts. The ecosystems would allow the spacecraft to generate light, 5:30air, water, food and gravity. 5:30Part of the research involves developing better biofuels and artificial soil to make life 5:31on the vessel possible. The hope is that 50-100 people could board it, but it could theoretically 5:31hold up to 500 people. Those on board will start having children, with the intention 5:31to keep humanity going for multiple generations. They also considering including human eggs, 5:31sperm and embryos that could grow in artificial wombs. Hopefully any catastrophes decide to 5:31take their time, however, as the project isn’t expected to be completed for another century. 5:333. Bigelow Aerospace Module 5:36In the 1990s, NASA developed an inflatable space station called the TransHab. While NASA 5:41never built one, the idea of an inflatable space station was far from over. A private 5:45company called Bigelow Aerospace has continued to develop these inflatable space stations, 5:49and so far Bigelow has launched two modules into space. First was Genesis I, launched 5:54July 2006, and Genesis II was launched in June 2007. With two successful tests, Bigelow

6:01signed a contract with NASA to send a folded up module to the International Space Station. 6:05They plan on sending the module using a spacecraft called Dragon, which is owned and operated 6:10by the private space company SpaceX. The module is 13 feet by 10.5 feet (4 meters by 3.2 meters) 6:16and will be an additional room for the space station. 6:19Inflatable space stations need much less fuel to power and are much easier to transport 6:23into space. In fact, an inflatable module is one of the best candidates to replace the 6:27International Space Station when it’s retired in 2020. 6:312. Foster + Partners’ Moon Structures 6:34One of the most feasible places to develop a colony is on the moon. The problem is that 6:39it’s difficult and expensive to transport supplies to the moon, and without some type 6:43of base already there it’s tough to even get started. 6:46That’s where Fosters + Partners and the European Space Agency come in. The plan is 6:50to set up an inflatable dome that would house a 3-D printer based on designs by Enrico Dini, 6:55who used his own printer to build a house in Amsterdam. The 3-D printer would use moon

7:00dust. Then the settlers would need to build a 4.9-foot (1.5 meter) thick wall that would 7:05protect the dome and the astronauts from cosmic rays and meteorites. The walls would be hard, 7:10but full of bubbles filled with unconsolidated moon rock and moon dust. The dome would be 7:15two stories high and four researchers could live and work there. It would serve as a basis 7:19for further colonization. 7:211. Mars One Colony 7:23Mars One is a Dutch non-profit organization that wants to have humans living on Mars by 7:27the year 2027. The project, which is expected to cost $6.3 billion, would send four people 7:33on a one-way trip to start the colony. The plan is to send rovers beginning in 2022, 7:38and then in 2024 six shipments of cargo will be sent to Mars. These shipments would include 7:43two living units, two life support systems and a supply unit, which would arrive by 2025. 7:47In early 2015, the team at Mars One was able to whittle the list of 200,000 applicants 7:47down to 100. From there, they plan on conducting a series of both team oriented and isolation 7:48tests, in anticipation of the biggest problems the first settlers on Mars will face. The 7:48team will continue to work together until 2026, before the first team sets off. After 7:48that, they’re looking to send six more sets of four settlers every two years. 7:49There are a number of critics who believe the Mars One project will succeed out of concerns 7:53they’re not organized enough to do something so complex. Additionally, a study at MIT said 7:58that, using the current plans, the settlers would only be able to live on Mars for 68 8:02days before dying from lack of oxygen.

0:00 10远空间站和殖民地 0:07 10.达雷尔C. Romick的太空城 0:14 1955年,固特异飞机工程师达雷尔C. Romick表明美国火箭学会 0:20对于一个雄心勃勃的空间站的建议。 Romick的手艺将是一个三阶段的空间 0:24推出了,什么分离的许多其他航天器Romick的设计是,所有这三个 0:28阶段将涉及可能进行试点,再利用工艺。 0:31 Romick的城市将在太空中建造。第三阶段飞船将是火箭 0:37和这些火箭10将被附连端至端,这会造成一个长的圆柱体。 0:41当他们连接火箭,密闭罩将随着他们建立,并经过 0:45六个月大的扩大将在气缸建给它更多的胶囊 0:50看。存在也将是在一端具有平的圆形的生活空间,将容纳两万 0:54人,并在生活区的另一端会有船舶干船坞 0:58降落。 0:59总共,空间站将有两个帝国大厦的尺寸端至端,

1:03而循环居住面积将大约五角大楼的大小。据Romick的 1:07计划,这将需要三年半的时间才能完成在太空中的城市。 1:12 9.伯纳尔球 1:14在太空栖息地的早期视力是伯纳尔球,这是由英国设计 1:18科学家约翰·德斯蒙德·贝尔纳尔。这本来是一个球体两极附着在 1:23相对侧上。球体将是周长有一英里,将举行10000人。 1:28两极年底将有对接区等零重力生产会 1:32在那里进行。像许多空间其他栖息地,它会旋转创造重力, 1:36并根据该计划,将有自己的农业系统和使用供电 1:40太阳能板。 1:41最初,它被认为是,这些球的人会被构造 1:44 20世纪90年代。不过,当然,几十年后,一个浮动的宇宙殖民地仍然是一个梦想。 1:50 8.斯坦福圆环 1:53一个环形世界空间站已经看到了一些科幻小说,包括极乐世界。 1:57其中最有名的设计的一个现实生活中的版本是斯坦福大学的圆环,设计

2:02在1975年的计划由物理学家杰拉德·奥尼尔,谁写的基础上设计 2:07本书可能空间站。他的设计是由一组美国宇航局的科学家的修改, 2:12工程师和艺术家。 2:13圆环的直径为一英里,最多可容纳10000人。它会 2:17设于地球和月球,大约25万英里(402000公里)之间的距离 2:22地球,并会通过旋转创建重力。它也将有一个农业体系, 2:28奶牛场和分层温室和镜像的太阳能电池板将提供能源和维持 2:33宇宙射线的。会有这么多太阳能,它可以发送其过剩的回 2:37地球。 2:38根据他们的研究,在圆环后面的小组认为,可以建立 2:41在2000年显然,这并没有发生,但可能性仍然存在。 2:47 7.奥尼尔缸 2:49在杰拉德奥尼尔的书中,他讨论了三种不同的宇宙殖民地的可能性。 2:54其中最值得注意的是他自己设计的,这就是所谓的奥尼尔缸。该 2:58缸将有五英里宽20英里长。那就需要旋转一个小时​​的40倍

3:03因此,这将具有类似于地球重力。气缸将举行40000人,并 3:07该计划包括一个功能齐全的城市完成与公园,康乐中心, 3:12和企业。 3:13气缸本身将有厚厚的墙壁,将土地和镜像之间交替 3:17太阳能板。该小组将从中获得阻止辐射也将动力船。 3:21由于壁的厚度和气缸的内部尺寸将开发 3:25它自己的气氛,包括在天气变化。这是保持气缸的主要打嗝 3:29成为一个现实是,它总是需要面对太阳。否则,建设 3:34仍然是完全可行的。 3:36 6.刘易斯一个太空殖民地 3:39 1991年,美国航空航天局的铝Globus的尝试更新使用上世纪70年代的概念空间站 3:45最先进的最新计算机。他的设计中,刘易斯之一,这将容纳缸 3:49 10000人。该站将有自己的生产区,那里的人们对 3:53董事会将需要建立新的细分和空间站甚至副本。胶囊 3:58将6,300英尺(1921米)长,1750英尺(534米)宽。

4:06外界将​​有两个扁平的太阳能电池板,这也将保护居民从 4:10宇宙射线。太阳能电池板不动,但胶囊内将旋转创建 4:14重力。该项目的主要挫折的是缺乏实际的阳光得到 4:19入容器。 4:20 5.一卡尔帕纳 4:23卡尔帕纳乔拉,谁在2003年哥伦比亚号失事死了一名宇航员,这样的设计而得名 4:28是一个刘易斯的2006年更新。的设计是要小得多,在1066英尺(325米)的 4:35在直径1800英尺(550米)的长度。总体而言,这将能容纳5000人 4:41用大量的绿色空间。它也将形如一个顶,有卤素形环境 4:46为栖息地。它会旋转每分钟不超过两次,给予外圈 4:50因为向心力的光环引力。这将创建外观 4:55人们走路在天花板上。 4:57 4.项目珀耳塞福涅 4:59如果你曾经一直关注全球性灾难,我们已经得到了一个好消息。对

5:03现在,从格林威治,沃里克和萨里大学研究人员13正在建设 5:07空间方舟,可以确保人类生活的。它名为Project珀耳塞福涅,并命名为 5:12之后阴间的希腊王后。 5:13方舟将是一个约12英里(20公里),长,还有三英里缸(5 5:18公里)直径。这将是全面的土壤,人们将生活在洞穴。 5:22珀耳塞福涅也将是自我维持,并会开发自己的生态系统,而不是 5:26依托机械部件。该生态系统将允许飞船产生光, 5:30空气,水,食物和严重性。 5:30部分研究包括开发更好的生物燃料和人工土壤,使生活 5:31在容器成为可能。希望是50-100人能登上它,但它理论上可以 5:31最多可容纳500人。那些在船上将开始生孩子,并打算 5:31让人类去为多代。他们还考虑包括人类卵子, 5:31精子和胚胎,可以在人造子宫成长。希望任何灾难决定 5:31拿自己的时间,但是,由于不希望该项目完成了一个世纪。 5:33 3.杰罗宇航模块 5:36在20世纪90年代,美国航空航天局研制充气空间站称为TransHab。虽然NASA 5:41从来没有建立的,一个充气空间站的想法是远远没有结束。私人 5:45一家名为杰罗宇航继续开发这些充气式太空站, 5:49到目前为止毕格罗已经推出了两个模块送入太空。首先是创世纪I,推出 5:54 2006年7月及成因II于2007年6月启动了两次成功的测试,毕格罗

6:01签署了与NASA的合同,送折叠模块到国际空间站。 6:05他们计划利用发送一个名为龙飞船,这是拥有和经营的模块 6:10由私人航天公司SpaceX的。该模块是13英尺10.5英尺(4米3.2米) 6:16并将成为空间站的额外空间。 6:19充气空间站需要少得多的燃料动力,而且运输容易得多 6:23进入太空。事实上,一个充气模块更换的最佳候选之一 6:27国际空间站时,它退休了2020年。 6:31 2.福斯特事务所“月亮结构 6:34其中最可行的地方建立一个殖民地是在月球上。问题是 6:39这是困难和昂贵的运输物资到月球,如果没有某种类型 6:43基地已经有它的强硬,甚至上手。 6:46这就是福斯特+ Partners和欧洲航天局进来,这个计划是 6:50建立一个可充气穹顶,将基于恩里科迪尼设计容纳3-D打印机, 6:55谁用自己的打印机建立在阿姆斯特丹一所房子。 3-D打印机将使用月球

7:00灰尘。然后定居需要建立一个4.9英尺(1.5米)厚的墙会 7:05保护圆顶和宇宙射线和陨石宇航员。墙壁会很难, 7:10但充满洋溢着松散的月球岩石和月尘气泡。圆顶是 7:15两层楼高,四研究人员能够那里生活和工作。这将作为一个基础 7:19进一步定植。 7:21 1.火星殖民地之一 7:23火星一个是希望通过让人类生活在火星上一个荷兰非盈利性组织 7:27今年2027年的项目,该项目预计将耗资$ 6.3十亿,会派四个人 7:33在单程开始殖民地。该计划是送流浪者开始在2022年, 7:38然后在2024货物的六批将被送往火星。这些货物将包括 7:43两厅单位,2生命支持系统和供应单位,这将在2025年到达。 7:47在2015年初,球队在火星人能够以削减200000人申请名单 7:47下降到100.从那里,他们计划开展了一系列兼具团队精神和隔离 7:48测试中,最大的问题预计在火星上的第一批定居者将面临。该 7:48团队将继续携手合作,直到2026年,第一支衬托之前。后 7:48 ,他们正在寻找送每两四年定居六点多套。 7:49有一些批评谁相信火星一号项目一定会成功的关注了 7:53他们没有足够的组织做一些事情那么复杂。此外,在麻省理工学院的一项研究说, 7:58即,使用目前的计划,定居者只能够活在火星上68 8:02前几天因缺氧而死亡。

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