Big Think2016.4.8---Lord Browne :未來企業3趨勢(人工智能,經濟轉移和企業意識)

Big Think2016.4.8---Lord Browne :未來企業3趨勢(人工智能,經濟轉移和企業意識)
Three current trends hint at the future of global business: the rise of artificial intelligence, the shifting center of economic gravity from west to east, and new existential problems like obesity and climate change. Lord Browne's book is "Connect: How companies succeed by engaging radically with society"

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Transcript - When we looked at our book we wrote it with something in mind, which was to defy what the great philosopher Hagel said, which is he said, "That if there's one thing history teaches us is that history doesn't teach us anything. People don't learn from history." So we decided we'd try and learn from history from China a hundred years before the common era. But then when we finished the book we said well there is actually something about the future and we'd like to think about three trends that are really important for corporations to think through, and in particular how their relationship with society is going to work. And they were first, the ever increasing possibility that artificial intelligence will change the way in which labor works: how do we communicate with companies? What actually do they do? Can they do things more perfectly or will they become less human?
We started the discussion by speaking to Tim Berners-Lee. And Tim, rather surprisingly, said to me well, " Well John, the thing about artificial intelligence is that corporations are already robots. They're ready robots so there's nothing new here. They behave robotically and maybe they shouldn't." So I said, "Well I contend that they absolutely shouldn't because they are part of the human fabric of society." So that was the first thing we talked about. The second we worried about was the change in the economic center of gravity in the world. If we go back to the first year after in the common era, 1 A.D., you'd find that the center of economic gravity in the world was somewhere in the Middle East. And over the last couple of thousand years it's moved from there to the middle of the Atlantic and now it's moving back to somewhere in the East. So it moves as countries become more comparatively advantaged, more educated and things move and therefore values, the way in which companies work, move again.
And we wanted to make the point that our book is not about pure moral values, it's about practical attempts to include people into this great endeavor, which is business, which makes the world better. Because it actually makes people more prosperous; brings people out of poverty and so forth. So we wanted to do that. And the third thing we said was that business actually doesn't have a right to be in the world, but it has to solve some of the very big problems that are facing the world: obesity and the ingestion of too much sugar; climate change; diseases, chronic diseases that exist; water shortage; pollution. The list goes on. And we gave a dozen examples of where we thought 30, in order to have the right to be a company, companies should be focused on, at least in some part of their brain, solving some of these problems for the future. And it just maybe that artificial intelligence, the ability to think more broadly, to gain access to more data, to understand more about it might just lead us to a better solution to some of these extraordinary problems that have been around a long time, it's just that we now see them with the greater clarity and indeed they are becoming more and more dangerous, climate change being a prime example of something becoming more dangerous.

抄本 - 当我们看到我们的书,我们有一些想法,这是无视什么伟大的哲学家黑格尔说,这是他说,“如果有一件事历史告诉我们的是,历史没有教给我们什么写的人们不从历史中吸取教训。“因此,我们决定,我们想尝试从中国百年前的共同的时代从历史中吸取教训。但后来,当我们读完这本书,我们说好其实是有什么关于未来,我们愿意考虑以下三个趋势是企业想通过非常重要,尤其是他们如何与社会的关系是去工作。他们是第一,不断增加的可能性,人工智能将改变其劳动的工作方式:我们如何与公司沟通?其实他们做什么呢?他们可以做的事情非常多,他们或将成为人类的少?
我们通过说话的蒂姆·伯纳斯 - 李开始了讨论。和TIM,而奇怪的是,对我说好了,“好了约翰,关于人工智能的一点是,公司已经机器人。他们准备好了机器人所以没有什么新来的。它们的行为机器人,也许他们不应该。”所以我说,“好吧,我主张他们绝对不应该,因为他们是社会的人的结构的一部分。”所以这是我们谈到的第一件事。我们担心第二次是重心在世界经济中心的变化。如果我们回到第一年在共同的时代后,公元1,你会发现,经济重心在世界的中心在中东的某个地方。而在过去的几千年来它从那里转移到大西洋中部,现在它搬回东某处。因此,作为移动的国家变得更加相对优势,更多的教育和运动的东西,所以值,其中企业的工作方式,再次移动。

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