
10. Electricity Conducting Cement
9. Bose-Einstein Condensate
8. LiquiGlide
7. Deep Voice Gas
6. Upsalite
5. Nitinol
4. Breathing Liquid
3. Self-Cleaning Clothes
2. Oxygen Injection
1. Invisibility Cloak

==========Google 翻译==========

0:01Top 10 Mind-Blowing 0:17Scientific Achievements 0:2610. Electricity Conducting Cement 0:32When it comes to good conductors, cement is usually not the first material you’d think 0:37of…until now. Scientists at the University of Alicante have recently developed cement 0:42that has the ability of conducting both heat and electricity efficiently and without compromising 0:47the strength that normal cement provides. While electricity conducting cement may not 0:52seem like a “mind-blowing scientific achievement” it has huge applications for places like airports 0:57and roads to prevent ice or snow build-up. Not only can the cement exist on its own,

1:03it can also be used as a coating on existing cement to give it heat and electric conductivity. 1:08The cement incorporates carbon nanotubes, which help give it the conductivity and strength 1:12it needs. While the material has proved successful in multiple tests, they are continuing to 1:14improve the material’s conductivity and strength. 1:149. Bose-Einstein Condensate 1:16Satyendra Bose and Albert Einstein first hypothesized Bose-Einstein Condensates in the 1920s. With 1:23drastically improved facilities and techniques scientists have now been able to create and 1:27observe this completely new form of matter. In simple terms, Bose-Einstein Condensates 1:33are to extremely cold temperatures what plasma is to extremely hot temperatures. At these 1:38extreme temperatures, scientists have found that atoms begin to act in very odd ways. 1:43While no scientists have yet to achieve slowing particles down to absolute zero or the point 1:47at which there is no molecular motion, they have been able to generate the slowest and 1:52coldest temperatures in the known universe right here on Earth. It was during one of 1:56these “deep freezes” that particles were slowed to only billionths of a degree above

2:01absolute zero. Using the atom Rubidium, the scientists Cornell and Weiman discovered that 2:06atoms would clump together forming a “super atom”. All of the same properties are retained, 2:12BCEs take condensing to a whole new level by actually existing in the same place. It’s 2:17such an odd behavior that there is no known way of telling the atoms apart from eachother 2:21once they’ve formed the blob. 2:238. LiquiGlide 2:25Ever had that irritating moment as you attempt to bang out the last bit of ketchup or shampoo 2:30stuck at the bottom of a bottle? Well not anymore thanks to a new non-stick material 2:34developed by researchers at MIT! LiquiGlide, as it’s called, is a nontoxic, nonstick, 2:40and insanely slippery coating that can have wide applications even outside the realm of 2:45condiments. While it’s not the first “superhydrophobic” material ever invented, it is the first non-toxic 2:50material approved by the FDA that is safe to use with food. By simply turning the bottle 2:55upside down, all of its contents smoothly slide out with no residue. Not only can it

3:00save companies money by eliminating the need for creating costly specialty caps and bottles, 3:06it also saves the frustration of banging the last bit of ketchup onto your plate. It works 3:11with both glass and specific kind of plastic. Companies are beginning to quickly take notice 3:15of the amazing material and it should be appearing in bottles very very soon. 3:207. Deep Voice Gas 3:22We’ve all heard of helium gas that gives people high pitched voices, but have you ever 3:26heard of the gas that can make you sound like Darth Vader? Sulfur Hexafluoride is a man-made 3:31compound with some pretty interesting and unique abilities. Its abilities come from 3:36the fact that it’s an incredibly dense and heavy particle. Not only can you inhale it 3:40and suddenly become Barry White, you can float things on it and make them look like they’re 3:45levitating. Due to its weight, the speed of sound is slowed down considerably when trying 3:50to fight through the gas, causing your voice to deepen. Likewise, sulfur hexafluoride sinks 3:55to the bottom of a container when exposed to the air and has the density to cause things 3:59like tinfoil boats to float on it and look as if they’re floating in mid air. While

4:04sulfur hexafluoride has both fun and practical application, caution has to be taken when 4:08inhaling it because it could sink to the bottom of your lung and remain their if not exhales 4:13properly much like It would outside your body. 4:156. Upsalite 4:16Imagine making the most absorbent substance known to man…by accident. Researchers at 4:21Uppsala University in Sweden accidentally left equipment running over the weekend causing 4:26the magnesium carbonate they were working with turn into a powder that has a surface 4:30area of 800m for just 1 gram of it. This extremely porous material is so absorbent, it’s referred 4:37to as an “impossible material”. The most expensive absorbent material used now, zeolite, 4:43doesn’t even hold a candle to its absorbency. It has massive implications for things like 4:48humidity control and large scale oil clean ups. The impressive material is surprisingly 4:53easy and inexpensive to make as well. The pores that little Upsalite’s surface are 4:58smaller than 10 nanometers, for those non-scientists a nanometer is on BILLIONTH of a meter. It

5:03goes to show that even little mistakes can end in great successes. 5:085. Nitinol 5:09When asked to describe the properties of a metal memory and elasticity usually aren’t 5:14the two words that come to mind unless you’ve heard of nitinol. Nitinol is an alloy of nickel 5:19and titanium created in the Naval Ordnance Laboratory by William Buehler and Frederick 5:24Wang in 1958. Its properties exist at two phases, austenite and martensite. At low-temperatures 5:31(martensite) the alloy can be deformed and manipulated, but pops right back into shape 5:35at high-temperatures (austenite). This ability to miraculously pop right back into its parent 5:41shape is known as thermal shape memory. Along with its incredible memory, Nitinol is also 5:47known for its ability to be extremely useful in super springs because of its elasticity. 5:52The superelasticity works hand-in-hand with its thermal shape memory to snap it back into 5:58place. While Nitinol has received criticism for certain medical uses due to its nickel

6:03composition, it is very useful in applications where a lot of flexibility or movement is 6:08involved. While most metals are known to break after continuous bending, Nitinol has been 6:13proven to be nearly immune to breaking under this stress. Since its invention, it has been 6:19used in a variety of industrial and technological applications. The possibilities for this amazing 6:25material are continuing to grow as industries look for materials that can take a hit and 6:30keep on going. 6:324. Breathing Liquid 6:34While it may seem like an idea right out of a science fiction movie, humans have the ability 6:38to breathe through liquids with the use of Perfluorocarbons. What makes Perfluorocarbons 6:44so special? Well, it’s their amazing capacitance, or ability to hold oxygen particles. While 6:49normal air has a capacitance of 30 times that of water, Perfluorocarbons have about 20 times 6:54the ability of water. Before you go and fill a pool with Perfluorocarbons for no reason 6:59other than to look cool and swim for hours, it does have some pretty cool uses practically

7:04and medically. Diving suits have been filled with it to mimic fish and prevent problems 7:09like nitrogen narcosis. It also have serves as a way to save the lives of premature babies 7:14or help those with respiratory problems. The uses for this amazing scientific invention 7:18are growing with seemingly no end in sight. 7:223. Self-Cleaning Clothes 7:23No more cleaning clothes? Yep, scientists have finally developed a material to solve 7:28the problem of dirty laundry. Using only sunlight, the special cotton material breaks down not 7:33only dirt and residue, but toxic chemicals as well. A student at UC Davis has done this 7:38by embedding 2-anthraqunone carboxylic acid into cotton fabric by binding it to the cellulose. 7:45It works by breaking down the dirt in the fabric like peroxides do to the bacteria found 7:50in wounds. While the clothes are a bit more expensive, as anyone would expect self-cleaning 7:54clothes to be, researchers say that other chemicals similar to 2-AQC could work just 7:59as well and less expensively. Before you go sell your washing machine, you may not be

8:04seeing self-cleaning clothes on store shelves for quite a while. It’s inventors are looking 8:09towards more practical applications in places like the military or hospitals where clean 8:14closes are more vital and hard to come by than to the average Joe. 8:182. Oxygen Injection 8:21David Blaine currently holds the world record for holding his breath an amazing 17 minutes, 8:25but thanks to a new oxygen injection, anyone could easily hold their breath for 17 minutes 8:30or longer without discomfort. Thanks to a breakthrough new oxygen particle invented 8:34by the Boston Children’s Hospital, humans can survived up to 30 minutes or more without 8:39taking a breath. What makes this particle so special is the fact that it’s surrounded 8:43by a fatty material, allowing it to be easily injected into the bloodstream. After injection, 8:49blood-oxygen levels can be returned to perfectly normal within just seconds. The particles 8:54are unlike any oxygen particles invented because they don’t cause bubbles (embolisms) upon 8:59injection. The particles deform to prevent this problem from occurring. The applications

9:03of the particle in medical world are endless. This miracle particle has the possibility 9:06of saving millions from those with respiratory failure to those who simply have trouble breathing. 9:081. Invisibility Cloak 9:09Masking the appearance of someone with an invisibility cloak is one thing, but scientists 9:14have now figured out a way to mask time as well. How does this happen? Well Purdue scientists 9:19have found a way to manipulate the speed of light by speeding up the front of its wavelength 9:24and slowing down the end in optical fibers, so no one can perceive what you’re doing. 9:29It essentially creates a little “hole” in space-time where you can do basically anything 9:33you want without notice. The idea itself was mathematically proven as being possible in 9:382010 (not including the premiere of Harry Potter) and has since been successfully developed. 9:42While the cloak part itself doesn’t exist, scientists are intending to weave the optical 9:47fibers into a cloak like material. The material will have the ability to hide anything under 9:52it from everyone around you. The whole process occurs in 36 trillionths of a second and scientists 9:59are continuing to develop 10:21the technology.

0:01十大令人兴奋 0:17科研成果 0:26 10.电传导水泥 0:32当涉及到良导体,水泥通常不是你想到的第一材料 0:37 ...的到现在为止。在阿利坎特大学的科学家最近开发出水泥 0:42具有高效率地传导热和电的和不损害的能力 0:47正常水泥提供了力量。虽然电传导水泥不得 0:52看起来像一个“令人兴奋的科学成果”,它有像机场的地方巨大的应用 0:57和道路,以防止冰或雪积聚。不仅可在其自己的水泥存在,

1:03它也可以用作涂层上现有水泥给它的热和导电性。 1:08水泥采用碳纳米管,这有助于给它的导电性和强度 1:12它需要。虽然该材料已证明是成功的多重考验,他们将继续 1:14提高材料的导电性和强度。 1:14 9.玻色 - 爱因斯坦凝聚 1:16 Satyendra百色和爱因斯坦首先假设在1920年玻色 - 爱因斯坦凝聚。同 1:23现在显着改善设备和技术,科学家已经能够创建和 1:27观察事情的这种全新的形式。简单来说,玻色 - 爱因斯坦凝聚 1:33在极冷温度是极其炎热什么等离子体。在这些 1:38极端温度下,科学家们发现,原子开始非常奇怪的方式行事。 1:43虽然没有科学家们还没有达到减缓下来的颗粒绝对零度或点 1:47在其中有没有分子运动,他们已经能够产生最慢, 1:52最低温度在已知的宇宙就在这里在地球上。这是一个在 1:56这些“深冻”即颗粒放缓至一个以上的学历只有十亿

2:01绝对零度。使用铷原子,科学家康奈尔和威曼发现 2:06原子会聚集在一起形成一个“超级原子”。所有相同的属性被保留, 2:12个BCE采取通过在同一个地方实际存在的凝结到一个全新的水平。它的 2:17这样的古怪的行为,有从海誓山盟除了告诉原子的任何已知的方式 2:21一旦他们已经形成的斑点。 2:23 8. LiquiGlide 2:25曾经有这样的刺激性一刻,你试图爆炸了番茄酱或洗发水的最后一位 2:30停留在瓶子的底部?好了不再归功于新的不粘材料 2:34研究人员在麻省理工学院开发! LiquiGlide,因为它被称为,是一种无毒,不沾, 2:40和疯狂滑涂层,可以有广泛的应用外连的境界 2:45调味品。虽然它不是曾经发明了第一台“超疏水”的物质,它是第一个无毒 2:50由FDA的安全与食品使用认可的材料。通过简单地旋转瓶 2:55倒挂,其所有内容顺利滑出无残留。它不仅可以

3:00为企业节省资金,通过消除对昂贵的创建特种瓶盖和瓶子的需要, 3:06它也节省敲打番茄酱的最后一位到你的盘子的无奈。有用 3:11用玻璃和特定种类的塑料。公司开始迅速采取通知 3:15惊人的材料,并应在瓶很快很快将出现。 3:20 7.低沉的声音天然气 3:22我们都听说,给人高音调声音氦气,但你有没有 3:26听说可以让你听起来像达斯维德之气?六氟化硫是一种人造 3:31化合物与一些非常有趣和独特的能力。它的能力从何而来 3:36事实上,这是一个令人难以置信的密集,重粒子。您不仅可以吸它 3:40突然成为巴里白色,可以浮在上面的东西,使他们看起来像他们 3:45磁悬浮。由于它的重量,声音的速度正试图在大大放缓 3:50通过气体进行战斗,造成你的声音加深。同样地,六氟化硫汇 3:55到容器的底部,当暴露在空气中,并具有密度以引起事 3:59像锡纸船浮在上面,并期待,如果他们在半空中漂浮的是。而

4:04六氟化硫具有既有趣又实用的应用程序,有谨慎时要采取 4:08吸入它,因为它可能会沉到您的肺的底部,并保持其如果不是呼气 4:13适当多像它会你的身体外面。 4:15 6. Upsalite 4:16试想一下,众所周知意外盯人......最吸水的物质。在研究人员 4:21瑞典乌普萨拉大学不慎左设备的运行在上周末造成 4:26它们与转被加工成具有一个表面的粉末的碳酸镁 4:30 800米面积仅为1克了。这种极其多孔材料吸水如此,它被称为 4:37作为一个“不可能材料”。现在所用的最昂贵的吸收材料,沸石, 4:43甚至不望其项背的吸收。它拥有的东西像很大的影响 4:48湿度控制及大型油品清洁窗口。令人印象深刻的材料是令人惊讶 4:53容易且廉价地制造为好。那个小Upsalite表面有毛细孔 4:58小于10纳米,对于那些非科学家纳米是一米的十亿分之一。它

5:03表明一点,甚至小错误可以在巨大的成功结束。 5:08 5.镍钛合金 5:09当记者问到通常描述的金属记忆和弹性的属性不 5:14想起两个词来,除非你听说过镍钛合金的。镍钛诺是镍的合金 5:19而在海军军械实验室的威廉·比埃勒和弗雷德里克创建钛 5:24王某在1958年它的属性在两个阶段,奥氏体,马氏体存在。在低的温度下 5:31 (马氏体)的合金可变形和操作,但持久性有机污染物右后卫成形状 5:35在高温度(奥氏体)。这种能力奇迹般地弹出右后卫到父 5:41形状被称为热形状记忆。除了其令人难以置信的记忆,镍钛诺也 5:47著名的是由于其弹性的弹簧超非常有用的能力。 5:52超弹性工作手牵手与热形状记忆来将其归 5:58地点。虽然镍钛合金已收到一定的医疗用途的批评,因为它的镍

6:03组成,它是在应用中有很大的灵活性和运动是非常有用的 6:08参与其中。虽然大多数金属被称为连续弯曲后折断,镍钛合金已 6:13被证明是几乎不受这种压力下断裂。自从发明,它一直 6:19在各种工业和技术应用中使用。对于这个惊人的可能性 6:25料将继续成长为行业寻找那些可以采取一击的材料和 6:30继续走下去。 6:32 4.呼吸液体 6:34虽然它可能看起来像一个想法右出科幻电影中,人类有能力 6:38通过与利用全氟化碳液体呼吸。是什么让全氟化碳 6:44如此特别?嗯,这是其惊人的容量,或持有氧粒子的能力。而 6:49正常的空气具有30倍的电容的水,全氟化碳具有约20倍 6:54的水的能力。之前你去填补全氟化碳池无缘无故 6:59除了要长得酷和游泳几个小时,它确实有一些很酷的应用实践

7:04和医学。潜水服已经充满了它模仿鱼和防止问题 7:09像氮麻醉。它也有作为一个方法来拯救早产儿的生命 7:14或者帮助那些有呼吸问题。对于这个惊人的科学发明的用途 7:18在视线看似没有尽头的增长。 7:22 3.自清洁服装 7:23没有更多的清洁衣服?是的,科学家们终于研制,解决了材料 7:28脏衣物的问题。只使用太阳光,特殊布料分解不 7:33只有污垢和残留,但是有毒化学品为好。加州大学戴维斯分校的学生做了这 7:38通过嵌入2 anthraqunone羧酸到棉织物将其绑定到纤维素。 7:45它通过在织物上类似的过氧化物分解污垢做到发现的细菌 7:50伤口。虽然衣服更贵了一点,因为任何人所期望的自我清洁 7:54衣服要,研究人员说,类似的2-AQC其他化学物质可能只是工作 7:59以及和成本更低。在你去卖你的洗衣机,你可能不

8:04看到商店货架上的自我清洁衣服了好一阵子。它的发明者正在寻找 8:09对像军事或医院的地方更实际的应用中,干净 8:14关闭更重要的,硬比普通人得的。 8:18 2,注氧 8:21大卫·布莱恩目前持有的世界纪录屏住了呼吸惊人的17分钟, 8:25但由于新的注氧,任何人都可以很容易地屏住呼吸17分钟 8:30或无不适更长的时间。由于采用了新的突破氧粒子发明 8:34由波士顿儿童医院,人类可以存活达30分钟或更长时间,而不 8:39吸了一口气。是什么让这个粒子如此特别的是,它的包围 8:43由脂肪材料,允许它被容易地注入到血液中。注射后, 8:49血氧水平可以几秒钟之内恢复到完全正常的。粒子 8:54不像发明,因为它们不会引起气泡(栓塞)任何氧粒子时 8:59注射。颗粒变形,以防止这个问题的发生。该应用程序

9:03在医学界颗粒也层出不穷。这个奇迹的颗粒有可能 9:06从那些有呼吸衰竭那些谁只是有呼吸困难节省数百万美元。 9:08 1.隐形斗篷 9:09屏蔽某人的外观与隐形斗篷是一回事,但科学家 9:14现在已经想出一个办法来掩盖时间为好。这是如何发生的呢?那么普渡科学家 9:19已经找到一种方法通过加快它的波长的前操纵光速 9:24和放缓在光纤结束,所以没有人可以感知你在做什么。 9:29它本质上创建了时空有点“坑”里,你可以做任何事情基本上 9:33你想,恕不另行通知。这个想法本身是数学上证明为是可能的 9:38 2010(不包括哈利·波特的首演),至今已研制成功。 9:42虽然斗篷部分本身不存在,科学家们正打算织光 9:47成纤维类材料斗篷。该材料将不得不隐藏在某处的能力 9:52从你周围的人。整个过程发生在第二和科学家1000000000000分之36 9:59正在继续开发 10:21技术。

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