
-----2015年Titan 無人機據稱可利用特殊通訊裝備,以每秒1G的高速傳輸資料
-----2012年7月正式推出Google Fiber,超高速宽带上网最高网速可达1Gbps
-----2010.2.10 Google Fiber極速寬頻 ,每秒1GB飆網 ,確保未來新系統能跟得上線上視訊及Google先進應用程式

2016.8.8---CableLabs CEO :以後的網速將是1Gbps、3Gbps甚至10Gbps。
==CableLabs在推動建立DOCSIS(有線數據服務接口規格)的電信標準,是用於在現有網線上發佈光纖網速的技術。作為CableLabs的成員之一,Comcast在亞特蘭大和納什維爾開始了1-gig DOCSIS 3.1試驗,隨後將在其他地區進行試驗。目前,AT&T的GigaPower和Google光纖都在進一步推動自己的高速網絡

2011年---田納西Chattanooga獲得(Intelligent Community Forum, ICF)評選為全球七大智慧社群之一的智慧城。
---2009年EPB完成全美第一個遍及全城的千兆位元被動光纖網路系統(gigabit passive optical network),被動光纖網路,是一種新興的「覆蓋最後一哩」(Ethernet for the last mile,即深入使用者家庭之意)的寬頻帶接入光纖技術,而由於被動光纖網路到用戶端之間,採用的是被動元件,不需要向傳輸網路的主動元件提供管理與保養,降低了供應方成本;又由於故障發生率低,更降低了維護成本。EPB建構更多其他的服務,例如智能電網網路(Smart Grid Network),這個系統幫助EPB更有效的管理供電系統,也幫助用戶可以隨時得到即時的用電量和電費選向等資訊。這對一般的個人用戶來說,是個貼心方便又好用的小利多,對於企業用戶來說,則能大大的幫他們節省成本、提高效率。田納西州立大學查塔努加分校,和州立查塔努加社區大學,利用EPB的網路,開發網路課程,培育人才,滿足企業主的雇用需求。網路在查塔努加所在的漢米爾頓郡的公立中小學學區、查塔努加社區中心、老人中心,都扮演重要的角色
---1935年(Electric Power Board,簡稱EPB)成立
==(Chattanooga Area Regional Transportation Authority;簡稱CARTA)不但完整覆蓋查塔努加市中心,而且搭乘大眾運輸工具完全免費,讓查塔努加成為一個適合人們移動的城市。CARTA和當地公司Airnet Croup合作,在公車上提供免費的無限網路服務。許多機構也都跟進,大大增加了查塔努加的免費無線網路覆蓋率


==========Google 翻译==========

0:00the purpose of this film was really to show what we believe the home of the 0:13future will look like that will require high speed networks these networks that 0:17are coming out that are one gig to Gig 10 get kinds of speeds the number one 0:23question we get is what are the kinds of services that require that kind of speed 0:28in the future we believe that these autonomous vehicle will require 0:35significant data updates 0:37so what you're seeing in the film is this self-driving vehicle pulling up in 0:42front of the house and therefore automatically connecting to the home 0:46network in order to get its update 0:48in this case we're seeing a ton of vehicles that are going to require 200 0:52300 gigabytes a month when you see the father walk into the home and he puts on 1:01his VR goggles you see the entire world change and that's what we call kind of a 1:06mixed reality experience its virtual reality with overlaying in the real 1:11world the furniture the walls that of a home sometimes referred to as augmented 1:16reality and its really that mixed media that creates these really rich kinds of 1:21experiences 1:22now in reality those kinds of experiences or three four five years out 1:26down the road but we believe that thousands of the kind of environment 1:29that create really a trusting and really compelling experiences 1:37in the film you see the mother interacting with colleagues over 1:40distance using a video collaboration wall 1:43we believe this is represents really what working from home will be like in 1:47five to 10 years from now you also sees thoughts around what the interface of 1:53the future looks like where people are collaborating and interacting with 1:57simultaneous documents that are literally suspended on the display and

2:01you see those swipe motions from the standpoint of those kinds of 2:04interactions 2:06in the scene when you see the young girl interacting with their grandmother 2:14that's what we call vr over distance that is the case where the little girls 2:18in her bedroom 2:19the grandmother is in her apartment yet they feel like they're in the exact same 2:23space 2:24it's really around this whole concept of BR not just being confined to one person 2:29one person's experience but really allowing for these multi user 2:33experiences and multi user experiences for people operate multiple distances in 2:42the scene where you see the holographic Einstein is representing what we think 2:45education the future will look like it's these kinds of rich media kinds of 2:51educational models 2:52that's what the future of education plays out now there's been a lot of work 2:56that's been done on holographic for quite some time 2:58however just in the last year there have been some really interesting new kinds

3:02of holographic displays that have come about 3:04so it's a lot near then typically most people think but still there's a lot of 3:08work that needs to be done in the scene at the end of the movie where the 3:16grandmother actually wins the game 3:18in this case it's actually allowing her to participate as if you are local in 3:22the house being able to play and interact with the other players in the 3:25game 3:26local to the home we think remote vr actually has some pretty interesting 3:30applications of collaboration amongst teams one-on-one or family members 3:35actually being able to take better connected and do participate even over 3:38great distances 3:42the fundamental element of everything that you're seeing in this film is high 3:46speed networks but it's not just about speed it's about low latency the ability 3:51to have these real-time experiences particularly in those cases where was 3:55over distance by the collaboration wall or remote vr is low latency and it's not

4:01just latency but also local near compute 4:06so computing that allows for all of that be our world those VR experiences to be 4:11calculated be rendered and be displayed such that people over distances feel 4:16like they're all the same environment 4:18that becomes really the fundamental piece that allows for these kinds of 4:22technologies and experiences to exist and for us from the standpoint of the 4:26cable plant 4:27we believe that we have the best technology for those creating those 4:30experiences to create those environments 4:33you can begin three

0:00这部影片的目的是真正展示了我们认为的家 0:13未来将看起来像这将需要高速网络,这些网络, 0:17是走出来的是一体的演出,以千兆10送种速度的头号 0:23问题我们得到的是什么是需要那种速度的各种服务 0:28在未来,我们相信,这些自主车将需要 0:35显著数据更新 0:37所以你现在看到的电影是这样的自驾车车辆拉起 0:42房子前面,因此会自动连接到家庭 0:46网络以便获得它的更新 0:48在这种情况下,我们看到一吨的车辆正在将需要200 0:52 300千兆字节,当你看到爸爸走进家庭一个月,他穿上 1:01他VR护目镜你看到整个世界的变化,这就是我们所说的那种一 1:06混合现实体验的虚拟现实与现实叠加 1:11世界上的家具,一个家庭的墙壁有时称为增 1:16现实和它真的那么混合媒体创建这些真有钱种 1:21经验 1:22如今在现实中的种种经历或三四五年以后 1:26在路上下来,但我们相信,数千样的环境中的 1:29创造一个真正的信任,真正引人入胜的体验 1:37在影片中,你看到母亲在与同事互动 1:40距离使用视频协作墙 1:43我们相信这是真的代表什么在家工作,会像 1:47五到10年后,你也看到了周围的什么接口的想法 1:53在未来的样子,人们正在合作与互动 1:57这是从字面上暂停在显示屏上同步文件和

2:01你看那些刷卡运动从这些种的立场 2:04互动 2:06在现场的时候看到年轻的女孩,他们的祖母互动 2:14这就是我们所说的VR随距离是这样的情况下小女孩 2:18在她的卧室 2:19奶奶是在她的公寓但他们觉得自己是在完全一样的 2:23空间 2:24它真的各地的不只是被限制在一个人的BR这整个概念 2:29一个人的经验,但真的允许这些多用户 2:33经验和人多的用户体验工作在多个距离 2:42在这里你看到的全息爱因斯坦是代表我们所认为的情景 2:45教育未来将像它的这些种类丰富的媒体种类的 2:51教育模式 2:52这就是教育的未来发挥出现在已经有大量的工作 2:56这就是被全息做了很长一段时间 2:58然而,仅仅在去年出现了一些非常有趣的新种

3:02这都讲得出全息显示器 3:04所以它的附近有很多然后通常大多数人认为,但仍然有很多的 3:08需要工作场景在电影的结尾来完成,其中 3:16其实奶奶赢比赛 3:18在这种情况下,它实际上是让她参加,如果你是在本地 3:22房子能够播放和交互与在其他球员 3:25游戏 3:26本地的家里,我们认为远程VR其实有一些非常有趣的 3:30团队之间单对一个或家庭成员协作的应用 3:35居然能够采取更好的联系,他们甚至比参加 3:38很远的距离 3:42 ,你在这部电影里看到的一切的基本要素是高 3:46高速网络,但它不只是速度这是关于低延迟的能力 3:51具有特别是在为这些情况下,这些实时的经验 3:55在由协作墙壁或远程VR距离低延迟,它不是

4:01只是延迟,而且当地附近的计算 4:06这样计算,允许所有这一切是我们的世界的VR体验是 4:11计算被渲染和显示,使得人们在距离感觉 4:16像他们都是一样的环境 4:18这变得很根本一块,允许这类 4:22技术和经验,从的角度来看存在,我们 4:26电缆厂 4:27我们相信,我们拥有最好的技术为那些创造者 4:30经验创造这些环境 4:33你可以开始3

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