TEDxBrussels2011.1.21---Paul Collier::如何充分利用資源繁榮?

TEDxBrussels2011.1.21---Paul Collier::如何充分利用資源繁榮?
TEDx Brussels - Paul Collier - How the Bottom Billion can harness the Resource Boom?
From 1998 to 2003, Collier was the director of the World Bank's Development Research Group. His book The Bottom Billion identifies the four traps that keep the 50 poorest countries mired in poverty, and outlines ways to help them escape, with a mix of direct aid and external support for internal change.
@TEDxBrussels 2010

TEDx的布魯塞爾 -保羅科利爾- 如何底部億元可以充分利用資源繁榮?
從 1998年到2003年,科利爾是導演的世界銀行發展研究小組。他的書最低的10億確定的四個陷阱保持50個最窮國家陷入貧困,並概述了如何幫助他們逃跑,以混合的直接援助和外部支持的內部變化。
2010@ TEDxBrussels

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