TEDxChCh2010.11.8---James Caygill:我们自己手中的工作

TEDxChCh2010.11.8---James Caygill:我们自己手中的工作
TEDxChCh - James Caygill - The Work of Our Own Hands
In this talk, James Caygill offers a high-speed history of the progressive movement through the Kevin Bacon framework.
James Caygill is a political philosopher who works with local government to coordinate the long-term growth and development of Greater Christchurch over the next 35 years.
Urban environments are where most people around the world spend their lives, and James believes that New Zealand is young enough and flexible enough to create some fantastic cities to go with our outstanding natural beauty.
Prior to returning to Christchurch in 2008, James worked for Prime Minister Helen Clark as a political adviser in her personal office and also as an adviser to a number of Ministers in her administration.
James is especially interested in the successful alignment of principle with pragmatic progress. His most recent thinking centres around the global challenges that Generation X will inherit from the Baby Boomers, and how they might be solved.
James has an MA with Distinction in Political Science from the University of Canterbury.
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TEDxChCh- 詹姆斯Caygill-我们自己手中的工作
在传播思想的精神价值,TEDx是一种本地的,自发组织的活动,使人们共同分享TED的类似体验活动。在TEDx活动,TEDTalks视频及现场演讲结合,引发的深入讨论和一小群的连接。这些地方,自我组织的活动都是品牌TEDx的,其中x=独立组织的TED事件。 TED会议为TEDx的方案提供一般性指导,但个别TEDx活动是自发组织的。 (根据一定的规则和条例。)

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