TEDxUKZN2010.7.7---Patrick Bond :南非與政治氣候變化

TEDxUKZN2010.7.7---Patrick Bond :南非與政治氣候變化
TEDxUKZN - Dr. Patrick Bond - South Africa and the Politics of Climate Change
Professor Patrick Bond is senior professor at the University of KwaZulu-Natal School of Development Studies in Durban, South Africa, where since 2004 he has directed the Centre for Civil Society. His work presently covers environment (energy, water and climate change), economic crisis, social mobilization, public policy and geopolitics. Amongst fifteen authored or coedited books are: Climate Change, Carbon Trading and Civil Society (2009); Looting Africa (2006); Talk Left, Walk Right (2006); and Elite Transition (2005).
He was a founding member of the Durban Group for Climate Justice and is active in Climate Justice Now!'s South Africa branch. In service to the new South African government from 1994-2002, Patrick authored/edited more than a dozen policy papers, including the Reconstruction and Development Programme. He has lectured at more than 50 universities across the world. Patrick earned his doctorate in economic geography under the supervision of David Harvey at Johns Hopkins in 1993. He was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland in 1961 and has lived in South Africa since 1990.
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TEDxUKZN - 邦德博士帕特里克 - 南非與政治氣候變化
他是一個創始成員,德班集團氣候正義,是活躍在氣候正義現在!的南非分公司。在服務新南非政府從 1994-2002年,帕特里克撰寫 /編輯十幾政策文件,包括重建和發展計劃。他曾任教超過 50所大學在世界各地。帕特里克獲得了博士學位,經濟地理學的監督下,大衛哈維於 1993年在約翰霍普金斯大學。他出生於北愛爾蘭貝爾法斯特,在1961年一直住在南非自1990年以來。
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