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New Smart Pill Caps Remind You to Take Your Meds
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Your phone's ringing. It could be your mom, dad, or your pill bottle? Well that could be the case if you choose to buy the world's first Internet-connected medication packaging. CBS says AT&T's Vitality GlowCap is designed to help forgetful patients take their meds.
"Inventor David Rose says it uses a flashing light and ring tone to gently remind patients to take their medication. If that doesn't work, it goes one step further."
"And if you haven't opened it within a few hours, it will text message you, or send you an email, or dial your home phone."
"The GlowCap also keeps family members and doctors in the loop, emailing them a record of exactly when a patient took their pills."
But is it too much? The Wall Street Journal quotes a an elderly woman who thinks so.
"She says she wouldn't mind the lights and noises, but emails to her doctor or family would 'make me feel inept, or like I was being regarded as a child.' And her low-tech seven-day pill fine'..."
But WTVJ reports - Not everyone thinks this is a bad idea.
"I mean think about the peace of mind that that will offer you to know that you can keep tabs on family members and get that progress report and know when they are or not taking their medication."
"Perfect example of taking an every day item and by wirelessly enabling it, making it much more useful and valuable to the end user."
The GlowCap even knows when you're running low on your meds and with a press of a button on the inside of the cap, it will notify the pharmacy for a refill.
A blogger for Technology Eoutputs calls it a - quote - "life-saving nag."
But a writer for Med Gadget is slightly less impressed...
"We can't say much on what we think of the product, since we haven't tried it and the website is a little vague, so you'll have to decide whether a glowing coupon-sending pill bottle cap is for you."
Comedy Central's Stephen Colbert makes light of the product -- implying it could be a little too high tech for some seniors.
STEPHEN COLBERT: "This is perfect. Because while old people can be forgetful, they are great when it comes to setting up the Internet, recognizing cell phone ring tones, and accessing voicemail messages."
But all jokes aside, a writer for the blog Duck Net Web thinks this could interfere with your insurance.
" is very powerful and if given and accessible to those who want it, it could in fact be used against you when you need it the most as they will create a series of reports to show where 'you' the patient defaulted. Nothing personal, it's all about risk management and showing a profit for the shareholders."
So would you love a call from your pill bottle?
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但是WTVJ报告 - 不是每个人都认为这是一个坏主意。
一项技术Eoutputs博客称这是 - 报价 - “。救生唠叨”
“我们不能说什么,我们想到的产品,因为我们还没有尝试过了,该网站是一个有点模糊的多,所以你必须决定是否光辉的优惠券送药瓶盖给你的。 “
喜剧中心的Stephen Colbert的使产品的光 - 这意味着它可能是有点过高,一些老年人高新技术。
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