BrookingsInstitution 2012.5.10---Bruce Katz:促進俄亥俄州的經濟前景

BrookingsInstitution 2012.5.10---Bruce Katz:促進俄亥俄州的經濟前景 Going Global: Boosting Ohio's Economic Future Bruce Katz: In the aftermath of the great recession we must pursue a different growth model; the next economy will be metropolitan in form and function; metros are driving innovation in practice, policy and global trade links. Bruce Katz delivered the featured speech from Columbus, Ohio, at "Going Global: Boosting Ohio's Economic Future," the second in a series of domestic and international forums being convened this year by the Global Cities Initiative. The forum, hosted by the Metropolitan Policy program at Brookings and JPMorgan Chase on May 9, explored how metropolitan-led economic growth—including global trade and investment—are important for job creation, and how Ohio can leverage its position in the global market. 走出去:促進俄亥俄州的經濟前景 布魯斯·卡茨:在大衰退之後,我們必須尋求不同的增長模式;未來的經濟將在形式和功能的大都市;地鐵正在推動實踐創新,政策和全球貿易聯繫。 布魯斯·卡茨交付功能的講話從俄亥俄州哥倫布市,在“走出去:促進俄亥俄州的經濟前景,”在一系列國內和國際論壇第二次召開的今年“全球城市”倡議。座談會上,主持5月9日在布魯金斯和摩根大通的都市政策方案,探討如何大城市為主導的經濟增長,包括全球貿易和投資,創造就業機會的重要,以及如何俄亥俄州可以利用其在全球市場的地位

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