
What’s one of the most bizarre Earth facts you can think of? Is it the fact that every day, about 100 tons of dust-sized micro meteoroids enter the Earth´s atmosphere? Or how about the fact that, depending on where you are, you could be spinning at over 1,000 mph (1,609 km/h) as Earth rotates around its axis. These facts are but of a couple of the many mind-blowing attributes our planet has to offer. Home to about 7.3 billion humans, planet Earth is the only astronomical object known to accommodate life, which is a pretty bizarre statement given the vastness of our known universe (just to give you an idea of the universe’s incomprehensible size, check out these crazy facts about our universe). Despite being small compared to most of the other objects found in outer space, for us, it is an amazingly vast place brimming with spectacular natural features and breathtaking beauty. No other planet in the known the universe can for the moment boast of such a diversity. Needless to say, our planet is awesome! Don’t you agree? From dark mysterious deep ocean abysses to what seems to be an everlasting thunderstorm, we bring you 25 Surprising Earth Facts You Probably Have Not Considered.

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