
Will Asia be an issue in the 2016 U.S. election? Will the DPRK give us an “October Surprise”? What will happen to TPP in 2016? Join CSIS experts to explore these and other questions during our annual preview of political, security, and economic developments across Asia.
8:30 - 8:45 AM
Introductory Remarks
Michael J. Green
Senior Vice President for Asia and Japan Chair, CSIS; Chair in Modern and Contemporary Japanese Politics and Foreign Policy, Georgetown University
8:45 - 10:15 AM
Panel 1: The U.S. Presidential Election and Asia
Victor Cha
Senior Adviser and Korea Chair, CSIS; Professor, D.S. Song-KF Endowed Chair in Government and International Affairs, and Director of Georgetown's National Resource Center for Asian Studies, Georgetown University
Bonnie S. Glaser
Senior Adviser for Asia and Director, China Power Project, CSIS
Christopher K. Johnson
Senior Adviser and Freeman Chair in China Studies, CSIS
Olga Oliker
Senior Adviser and Director, Russia and Eurasia Program, CSIS
Moderated by:
Michael J. Green
Senior Vice President for Asia and Japan Chair, CSIS; Chair in Modern and Contemporary Japanese Politics and Foreign Policy, Georgetown University
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Panel 2: The Asia-Pacific Economic Landscape in 2016
Ernest Z. Bower
Senior Adviser and Sumitro Chair for Southeast Asia Studies, CSIS
Scott Kennedy
Deputy Director, Freeman Chair in China Studies, and Director, Project on Chinese Business and Political Economy, CSIS
Scott Miller
Senior Adviser and Scholl Chair for International Business, CSIS
Jane Nakano
Senior Fellow, Energy and National Security Program, CSIS
Richard M. Rossow
Senior Fellow and Wadhwani Chair in U.S.-India Policy Studies, CSIS
Moderated by:
Matthew P. Goodman
Senior Adviser for Asian Economics and Simon Chair in Political Economy, CSIS
12:00 PM

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