
Most of the U.S. is suffering a terrible drought, but scientists believe we may be able to pull water from air and survive the way desert creatures do.

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0:00Cacti and desert beetles can live in arid environments because they’ve adapted to 0:03suck water out of the air. So, can we do that if we’re in a drought? 0:10Hi guys, Amy here for DNews. We know the Earth’s climate is warming from a mix of natural changes, 0:17including solar activity, and man-made causes, namely greenhouse gases and aerosols. This 0:21is taking a toll on global weather. There is more water vapour in the atmosphere so 0:25rainfall is increasing in tropical areas, but drier areas are experiencing some of the 0:29worst droughts in history. 0:31The thing is, even in deserts, there's humidity in the air. So, to help tackle the world's 0:35drought problems, a team of scientists from Harvard, with support from the Department 0:39of Energy, looked to plants and insects that are able to pull water out of the air to survive 0:43in the desert. 0:44This biologically-inspired technology described in the journal Nature involves collecting 0:47water from air by condensing water vapor on surfaces inspired by beetles, cacti and other 0:52desert-dwelling organisms. They looked at the bumpy surfaces of desert beetles’ shells 0:56and found that, if the geometry is right, water droplets grow faster on the tops of

1:00convex bumps than on a raised flat surface of the same height. They looked at the asymmetric 1:04structure of cactus spines and found they had the best topography to guide the condensation 1:08off the bumps to be collected. And, the slippery surface of carnivorous pitcher plants inspired 1:12the researches to guide those formed water droplets down a smooth, non-stick surface. 1:17The team combined these elements with a material that repels liquid called Slippery Liquid-Infused 1:21Porous Surfaces technology or SLIPS. The three nature-inspired inventions combined with the 1:26SLIPS technology make an excellent collector to gather water from the air! When set up, 1:31any atmospheric moisture pools on the bumps and flows as water droplets down the asymmetrically 1:35pitted water-repellant surface! But could it make a difference? I asked the 1:39paper’s lead author Kenneth Park. He roughly calculates that the volume of air the size 1:43of a house in a desert holds about 16 liters of water. That’s not a lot for people in 1:48developed countries, but in desert regions it could be life changing access to drinking 1:52and cooking water. And of course in humid areas, that number rises even more. Basically, 1:57as long as surface temperature gets below the dew point, there will be condensation

2:01to harness from the air. 2:02The challenge now facing the team is controlling the size of the water droplets and the direction 2:06in which they flow. But with the details worked out, this could be a step towards developing 2:09a passive system capable of collecting and transporting atmospheric water to a reservoir. 2:14But remember, while this technology is great, it’s a proof of concept. We still need to 2:18conserve resources, especially those of us living in areas affected by drought, like 2:21California, which is experiencing the worst drought in more than a century. 2:25So with scientists developing these kinds of technologies, just how serious is the global 2:29drought that we’re looking to thin air as a water source? Julia’s got the information 2:33on this current crisis in this episode right here. 2:50Some people are creeped out drinking recycled water… would you feel weird drinking water 2:53full from the air? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to subscribe so you never 2:57miss an episode of DNews.

0:00仙人掌和沙漠甲虫能生活在干旱的环境,因为他们已经适应了 0:03水吸出空气。因此,我们可以这样做,如果我们在一个干旱? 0:10嗨,大家好,艾米这里DNews。我们知道,地球的气候是从自然变化的混合升温, 0:17包括太阳活动,和人为原因,即温室气体和气溶胶。这个 0:21正在对全球气候收费。有在大气中更多的水蒸汽,以便 0:25降雨在热带地区增加,但是干燥的地区正在经历一些 0:29最严重的旱灾在历史上。 0:31事实是,即使是在沙漠,还有空气中的湿度。因此,为了帮助解决世界上 0:35干旱问题,一队哈佛大学的科学家,与来自部门的支持 0:39能源,看着植物和有能力拉水从空气中生存的昆虫 0:43在沙漠里。 0:44在杂志上描述了这种生物启发的技术自然涉及到收集 0:47通过对甲虫,仙人掌和其他激励表面凝结的水蒸气从空气中的水 0:52沙漠栖息生物。他们看着沙漠甲虫壳的表面崎岖不平 0:56并且发现,如果该几何形状是合适的,水滴上生长的顶部更快

1:00凸凸点比在相同的高度的凸起的平的表面。他们看着不对称 1:04仙人掌刺的结构,发现他们有引导冷凝的最佳地形 1:08关凸块被收集。和肉食猪笼草的光滑表面的启发 1:12的研究,以指导这些形成水滴向下平稳,不粘表面。 1:17该团队结合排斥液体称为滑的液体,注入的材料这些元素 1:21多孔表面技术或滑脱。这三个自然灵感的发明与组合 1:26 SLIPS技术成为优秀的收藏家从空气中收集水!如果成立, 1:31在颠簸的大气水分池和流动的水滴下来不对称 1:35点蚀防水面!但是可以有所作为?我问 1:39论文的主要作者肯尼斯·公园。他大致计算出的空气的尺寸的体积 1:43在沙漠中的房子持有约16公升的水。这不是很多关于人 1:48发达国家,但在沙漠地区也可能是改变生活的获取饮用水 1:52烹饪水。当然在潮湿的地区,这一数字上升甚至更多。基本上, 1:57只要表面温度变得低于露点,会有缩合

2:01从空气中利用。 2:02现面向团队面临的挑战是控制水滴和方向的大小 2:06在其中流动。但随着细节制定出来的,这可能是对发展的一个步骤 2:09能够收集和输送大气中的水至贮存器的被动系统。 2:14但要记住,而这项技术是伟大的,它是一个概念证明。我们仍然需要 2:18节约资源,尤其是我们生活在地区受干旱影响,如 2:21加利福尼亚州,这是经历了最严重的干旱在一个多世纪。 2:25因此,与科学家开发这些类型的技术,恰恰是多么严重的全球 2:29我们正在寻找稀薄的空气作为水源的干旱? Julia的得到的信息 2:33本集本次危机就在这里。 2:50有些人穆斯特出去喝酒循环水......你会觉得不可思议饮用水 2:53完全从空中?让我们在评论中知道,不要忘记订阅让你永远 2:57错过DNews的一个插曲。

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