TEDxNUS2011.2.24---N.Sivasothi :生物多样性在新加坡

TEDxNUS2011.2.24---N.Sivasothi :生物多样性在新加坡
TEDxNUS - Biodiversity in Singapore and the efforts overseen in ensuring it - N.Sivasothi
A passionate man with zealous students, N. Sivasothi, a.k.a. 'Otterman' has been immersed in mangroves for research, education and conservation at the Department of Biological Sciences since the late 80's. Now focused on undergraduate teaching and research, he tells us about the zoological explorations his students have taken on with endangered freshwater crabs, mangrove fauna, common-palm civets, mousedeer, wild boar and of course, otters. In this video he also tells us about the efforts at the Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research to explore, share and appeal about the fate of an inter-tidal shore called Chek Jawa, a hallmark of government-citizen engagement and the people's awakening about the nature and the environment in Singapore
TEDxNUS- 生物多样性在新加坡和监督,确保它的努力-全Sivasothi

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