TEDxStCharles2011.4.13---Anna Wildermuth :创建你的品牌

TEDxStCharles2011.4.13---Anna Wildermuth :创建你的品牌
TEDxStCharles - Anna Wildermuth - Create Your Brand-Define Your Message
Anna Wildermuth is the founder of Personal Images Inc. (www.personalimagesinc.com), and a recognized leader in the image industry. Her professional credentials include being past President of the Association of Image Consultants International, the largest image consulting organization in the world; one of only seven Certified Image Masters in the world; a Toastmaster ATB; and a member of the American Society (ASTD) of Training and Development. Most recently, Personal Images, Inc. received the 2009 MBEIC Minority Supplier of the year. Anna has been highlighted in the Chicago Tribune, New York Times and Wall Street Journal and featured on television's ABC7 Chicago, CNN Financial and Fox News. She is the author of CHANGE ONE THING: Discover What's Holding You Back and Fix It, published by McGraw-Hill January 2009.
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TED has created a program called TEDx, which consists of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At TEDxStCharles, TEDTalks video and live speakers combined to spark discussion and connection with industry experts, passionate leaders, and folks who want to make a difference. Topics discussed at TEDxStCharles included leadership, personal branding and motivation. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events, including ours, are self-organized.
TEDxStCharles-安娜怀尔德缪斯- 创建你的品牌界定您的留言
安娜怀尔德缪斯是个人形象公司的创始人(www.personalimagesinc.com),并在影像行业公认的领导者。她的专业证书包括被过去的国际形象顾问协会,是世界上最大的形象咨询组织的主席,一个只有七认证形象的世界名人,一个国际演讲ATB的;以及美国协会(ASTD的)会员培训及发展。最近,个人形象,公司收到了2009年MBEIC少数族裔供应商。安娜一直强调在芝加哥论坛报,纽约时报和华尔街日报和电视上的ABC7芝加哥,美国有线电视新闻网和福克斯新闻精选财政。她是变化的一件事作者:发现有什么妨碍你和修复,由McGraw - Hill2009年1月出版。
在传播思想的精神价值,TED创建称为TEDx的一个方案,其中本地的,自发组织的活动,使人们共同分享泰德般的体验组成。在TEDxStCharles,TEDTalks视频和讨论相结合,火花,并与行业专家,热情领导人,以及人们谁想要有所作为连接现场演讲。在TEDxStCharles讨论的议题包括领导能力,个人品牌和动力。 TED会议提供一般指导意见TEDx的方案,但个别TEDx活动,包括我们,都是自发组织的。

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