GeoBeats News2016.2.14---DARPA小型無人機

GeoBeats News2016.2.14---DARPA小型無人機
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency recently completed the first successful test of a mini drone that can navigate tight spaces and collect data autonomously. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, recently began the data collection phase of next-generation unmanned aerial vehicles or UAVs. Successful tests conducted in a Massachusetts hangar were part of DARPA's Fast Lightweight Autonomy (FLA) program, an initiative aimed at creating a series of drones that can effectively fly through space-constrained environments--at up to 45 miles per hour. Other goals of the project include various forms of advanced data collection, the ability to see objects, and navigate around such objects at slow speeds without the help of a human behind the remote control. Mark Micire, DARPA program manager, said, “We’re excited that we were able to validate the airspeed goal during this first-flight data collection. The fact that some teams also demonstrated basic autonomous flight ahead of schedule was an added bonus. The challenge for the teams now is to advance the algorithms and onboard computational efficiency to extend the UAVs’ perception range and compensate for the vehicles’ mass to make extremely tight turns and abrupt maneuvers at high speeds.” The drones themselves weigh around two pounds and are not reliant on GPS.
美国国防高级研究计划局最近完成了一个小型的无人驾驶飞机,可以浏览狭小的空间和自主收集数据的第一次成功的测试。美国国防高级研究计划局,或DARPA,最近开始下一代无人机无人机或的数据收集阶段。在马萨诸塞州的一个机库进行了成功的试验是DARPA快速轻型自治(FLA)计划,旨在创造一系列无人驾驶飞机,可以通过空间受限的环境中有效地飞倡议的一部分 - 高达每小时45英里。项目的其他目标包括各种形式的先进的数据收集,看物体,并在低速下这样的对象周围导航而不遥控后面的人的帮助的能力。马克Micire,DARPA项目经理说,“我们很高兴我们能够这第一飞行数据收集过程中验证空速目标。一些球队也表现出基本的自主飞行提前的事实是一个额外的好处。现在球队面临的挑战是推进算法和机载计算效率,延长无人机感知范围,赔偿车辆的质量以高速进行极急弯和突然的演习。“该无人机本身的重量大约两磅,不在GPS的依赖。

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